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Re: Buildbot failure


Demos working now. The trilinos problem with the namespaces has not been resolved yet.


Ilmar Wilbers wrote:
Note: this was two hours ago. Running new builds now.


Ilmar Wilbers wrote:
Only one demo fails at the moment:
./../../demo/la/eigensolver/python (Python)

Initializing PETSc (ignoring command-line arguments).

Matrix A:
row 0: (0, 4)  (1, 1)
row 1: (0, 3)  (1, 2)

Matrix B:
row 0: (0, 4)  (1, 0)
row 1: (0, 0)  (1, 1)

Eigenvalue solver (lapack) converged in 1 iterations.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./demo.py", line 54, in <module>
    rr = dolfin.PETScVector(2)
TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)


Anders Logg wrote:
On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 09:10:31PM +0200, Ilmar Wilbers wrote:

All buildbots are currently failing. The 64-bit machine that failed earlier today still fails, some code that wasn't supposed to be checked in caused problems when trilinos was installed due to namespace problems. Kent is looking into this.

On the other machines, four demos fail. As I am on the wrong machine, I cannot output the demo.log other then from the Mac (will implement functionality later so that the demo.log is included with the logs from the buildbots). The log for the 32-bit version on fenics.org is available under /home/buildbot/slaves/dolfin/mac_osx/build/test/system/demo.log

Log from mac:
./../../demo/nls/cahn-hilliard/cpp (C++)
Initializing DOLFIN version 0.7.2.
Initializing PETSc with given command-line arguments.
Saved function u (discrete function) to file cahn_hilliard.pvd in VTK format.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
  what():  *** Error: Assignment operator not implemented by subclass
[Amira-iMac:30323] *** Process received signal ***
[Amira-iMac:30323] Signal: Abort trap (6)
[Amira-iMac:30323] Signal code:  (0)
[ 1] (kDefaultRenewableTicket + 0x17050fa) [0xbfffe328, 0x91b070ea]
[ 2] (kDefaultRenewableTicket + 0x177c402) [0xbfffe348, 0x91b7e3f2]
[ 3] (kDefaultRenewableTicket + 0x178b9bf) [0xbfffe378, 0x91b8d9af]
[ 4] (des_IP_table + 0x6a12a05) [0xbfffe3c8, 0x96e14005]
[ 5] (des_IP_table + 0x6a10b0c) [0xbfffe3e8, 0x96e1210c]
[ 6] (des_IP_table + 0x6a10b4b) [0xbfffe408, 0x96e1214b]
[ 7] (des_IP_table + 0x6a10c61) [0xbfffe428, 0x96e12261]
[ 8] (_ZN6dolfin6Logger5errorESs + 0xa5) [0xbfffe478, 0x00bd5ec5]
[ 9] (_ZN6dolfin5errorESsz + 0x66) [0xbfffe4b8, 0x00bd57e6]
[10] (_ZN6dolfin13GenericTensoraSERKS0_ + 0x39) [0xbfffe4f8, 0x00061d59]
[11] (_ZN6dolfin16DiscreteFunctionaSERKS0_ + 0xb3) [0xbfffe538, 0x00b89b23]
[12] (_ZN6dolfin8FunctionaSERS0_ + 0x125) [0xbfffe598, 0x00b8c915]
[13] (main + 0x6d8) [0xbfffe848, 0x00002ab8]
[14] (start + 0x36) [0xbfffe864, 0x00002386]
[15] [0x00000000, 0x00000001] (FP-)
[Amira-iMac:30323] *** End of error message ***
sh: line 1: 30323 Abort trap              ./demo

./../../demo/pde/convection-diffusion/cpp (C++)
Initializing PETSc (ignoring command-line arguments).
Assembling matrix over cells (finished).
Assembling vector over cells (finished).
Computing Dirichlet boundary values (finished).
Applying boundary conditions to linear system.
Solving linear system of size 2868 x 2868 (PETSc LU solver, seqaij).
Saved function u (discrete function) to file temperature.pvd in VTK format.
Copy constructor for discrete function
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
  what():  *** Error: Assignment operator not implemented by subclass
[Amira-iMac:30342] *** Process received signal ***
[Amira-iMac:30342] Signal: Abort trap (6)
[Amira-iMac:30342] Signal code:  (0)
[ 1] (kDefaultRenewableTicket + 0x17050fa) [0xbfffe2f8, 0x91b070ea]
[ 2] (kDefaultRenewableTicket + 0x177c402) [0xbfffe318, 0x91b7e3f2]
[ 3] (kDefaultRenewableTicket + 0x178b9bf) [0xbfffe348, 0x91b8d9af]
[ 4] (des_IP_table + 0x6a12a05) [0xbfffe398, 0x96e14005]
[ 5] (des_IP_table + 0x6a10b0c) [0xbfffe3b8, 0x96e1210c]
[ 6] (des_IP_table + 0x6a10b4b) [0xbfffe3d8, 0x96e1214b]
[ 7] (des_IP_table + 0x6a10c61) [0xbfffe3f8, 0x96e12261]
[ 8] (_ZN6dolfin6Logger5errorESs + 0xa5) [0xbfffe448, 0x00bd5ec5]
[ 9] (_ZN6dolfin5errorESsz + 0x66) [0xbfffe488, 0x00bd57e6]
[10] (_ZN6dolfin13GenericTensoraSERKS0_ + 0x39) [0xbfffe4c8, 0x0001eb59]
[11] (_ZN6dolfin16DiscreteFunctionC2ERKS0_ + 0x1ea) [0xbfffe538, 0x00b8a50a]
[12] (_ZN6dolfin8FunctionaSERS0_ + 0x8c) [0xbfffe598, 0x00b8c87c]
[13] (main + 0x886) [0xbfffe838, 0x00002e36]
[14] (start + 0x36) [0xbfffe854, 0x00002556]
[15] [0x00000000, 0x00000001] (FP-)
[Amira-iMac:30342] *** End of error message ***
sh: line 1: 30342 Abort trap              ./demo

./../../demo/la/eigensolver/python (Python)
Initializing PETSc (ignoring command-line arguments). Matrix A:
row 0: (0, 4)  (1, 1)
row 1: (0, 3)  (1, 2)
Matrix B:
row 0: (0, 4)  (1, 0)
row 1: (0, 0)  (1, 1)
Eigenvalue solver (lapack) converged in 1 iterations.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./demo.py", line 54, in <module>
    rr = dolfin.PETScVector(2)
TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)
./../../demo/pde/convection-diffusion/python (Python)
Initializing PETSc (ignoring command-line arguments).
Assembling matrix over cells (finished).
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./demo.py", line 63, in <module>
File "/Users/ilmarw/local/tmp/lib/python2.5/site-packages/dolfin/dolfin.py", line 3976, in assign
    return _dolfin.cpp_Function_assign(*args)
RuntimeError: *** Error: Assignment operator not implemented by subclass

So it looks like three different problems, one with std::runtime_error, one with the wrong arguments for dolfin.PETSVector, and one with the assignment operator for _dolfin.cpp_Function_assign

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