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I am using dolfin 0.7.2

I am trying to switch to the latest version (using hg clone ...). My system is CentOS 4.4 (final), and I have installed UMFapck and AMD locally in the following directories: /home/rfarahi/math/UMFPACK, /home/rfarahi/math/AMD and /home/rfarahi/math/UFconfig

But, it seems scons cannot see the umfpack lib. Am I missing something? 

I have the same problem with the boost lib.

Here is the log:
[rfarahi@alteran dolfin]$ pwd

scons winUmfpackDir=/home/rfarahi/math prefix=/home/rfarahi/math/dolfin-hg/linux-opt --help Umfpack=1 install withBoostDir=/usr/local/include/boost-1_35

scons: Reading SConscript files ...
Using options from scons/options.cache
Checking for numpy-1... yes
Checking for scotch... no (pkg-config file not found)
 Trying to generate pkg-config file for scotch... failed
Checking for trilinos... no (pkg-config file not found)
 Trying to generate pkg-config file for trilinos... failed
Checking for ufc-1... yes
Checking for umfpack... no (pkg-config file not found)
 Trying to generate pkg-config file for umfpack... failed
Checking for python-2... yes
Checking for petsc... no (pkg-config file not found)
 Trying to generate pkg-config file for petsc... failed
Checking for gts... yes
Checking for boost... no (pkg-config file not found)
 Trying to generate pkg-config file for boost... failed
Checking for slepc... no (pkg-config file not found)
 Trying to generate pkg-config file for slepc... failed
Checking for libxml-2.0... yes
Resolving compiler... done
Warning: Unknown dependency package: boost
Enabling compilation of PyDOLFIN
scons: warning: The env.Copy() method is deprecated; use the env.Clone() method instead.
File "/home/rfarahi/math/dolfin-hg/dolfin/dolfin/SConscript", line 91, in <module>
scons: done reading SConscript files.
prefix: Installation prefix ( /path/to/prefix )
    default: /usr/local
    actual: /home/rfarahi/math/dolfin-hg/linux-opt
binDir: Binary installation directory ( /path/to/binDir )
    default: /home/rfarahi/math/dolfin-hg/linux-opt/bin
    actual: /home/rfarahi/math/dolfin-hg/linux-opt/bin
libDir: Library installation directory ( /path/to/libDir )
    default: /home/rfarahi/math/dolfin-hg/linux-opt/lib
    actual: /home/rfarahi/math/dolfin-hg/linux-opt/lib
pkgConfDir: Directory for installation of pkg-config files ( /path/to/pkgConfDir )
    default: /home/rfarahi/math/dolfin-hg/linux-opt/lib/pkgconfig
    actual: /home/rfarahi/math/dolfin-hg/linux-opt/lib/pkgconfig
includeDir: C/C++ header installation directory ( /path/to/includeDir )
    default: /home/rfarahi/math/dolfin-hg/linux-opt/include
    actual: /home/rfarahi/math/dolfin-hg/linux-opt/include
pythonModuleDir: Python module installation directory ( /path/to/pythonModuleDir )
    default: /home/rfarahi/math/dolfin-hg/linux-opt/lib/python2.5/site-packages
    actual: /home/rfarahi/math/dolfin-hg/linux-opt/lib/python2.5/site-packages
pythonExtDir: Python extension module installation directory ( /path/to/pythonExtDir )
    default: /home/rfarahi/math/dolfin-hg/linux-opt/lib/python2.5/site-packages
    actual: /home/rfarahi/math/dolfin-hg/linux-opt/lib/python2.5/site-packages
enableDebug: Build with debug information (yes|no)
    default: 1
    actual: True
enableDebugUblas: Add some extra Ublas debug information (yes|no)
    default: 0
    actual: False
enableOptimize: Compile with optimization (yes|no)
    default: 0
    actual: False
enableDocs: Build documentation (yes|no)
    default: 0
    actual: False
enableDemos: Build demos (yes|no)
    default: 0
    actual: False
enableTests: Build tests (yes|no)
    default: 0
    actual: False
enableProjectionLibrary: Enable projection library (yes|no)
    default: 0
    actual: False
enableMpi: Compile with support for MPI (yes|no)
    default: yes
    actual: True
enablePetsc: Compile with support for PETSc linear algebra (yes|no)
    default: yes
    actual: True
enableSlepc: Compile with support for SLEPc (yes|no)
    default: yes
    actual: True
enableScotch: Compile with support for SCOTCH graph partitioning (yes|no)
    default: yes
    actual: True
enableGts: Compile with support for GTS (yes|no)
    default: yes
    actual: True
enableUmfpack: Compile with support for UMFPACK (yes|no)
    default: yes
    actual: True
enableTrilinos: Compile with support for Trilinos (yes|no)
    default: yes
    actual: True
enablePydolfin: Compile the python wrappers of Dolfin (yes|no)
    default: yes
    actual: True
withPetscDir: Specify path to PETSc ( /path/to/withPetscDir )
    default: None
    actual: None
withSlepcDir: Specify path to SLEPc ( /path/to/withSlepcDir )
    default: None
    actual: None
withScotchDir: Specify path to SCOTCH ( /path/to/withScotchDir )
    default: None
    actual: None
withUmfpackDir: Specify path to UMFPACK ( /path/to/withUmfpackDir )
    default: None
    actual: /home/rfarahi/math
withTrilinosDir: Specify path to Trilinos ( /path/to/withTrilinosDir )
    default: None
    actual: None
withBoostDir: Specify path to Boost ( /path/to/withBoostDir )
    default: None
    actual: /usr/local/include/boost-1_35
cacheOptions: Cache command-line options for later invocations (yes|no)
    default: 1
    actual: True
veryClean: Remove the sconsign file during clean, must be set during regular build (yes|no)
    default: 0
    actual: False
customCxxFlags: Customize compilation of C++ code
SSLOG: Set Simula scons log file
    default: /home/rfarahi/math/dolfin-hg/dolfin/scons/simula_scons.log
    actual: /home/rfarahi/math/dolfin-hg/dolfin/scons/simula_scons.log
Use scons -H for help about command-line options.

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