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SubDomain::mark in python


I have this code:

boundary_domains = MeshFunction("int", mesh)
traction_domain.mark(boundary_domains, 0)

The signature for mark is:

    mark(self, dolfin::MeshFunction<(dolfin::uint)> sub_domains, uint

And I get this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "demo.py", line 160, in <module>
    traction_domain.mark(boundary_domains, 0)
  File "/opt/dolfin-local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/dolfin/dolfin.py",
line 6706, in mark
    return _dolfin.SubDomain_mark(*args)
TypeError: in method 'SubDomain_mark', argument 2 of type
'dolfin::MeshFunction<dolfin::uint > &'

Am I blind, or is there something wrong in pydolfin?


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