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Re: [UFL-dev] [HG UFL] Separate finite element classes from registration of new elements:


On Fri, May 02, 2008 at 09:54:06PM +0200, Martin Sandve Alnæs wrote:
> It would be great to finalize the finite element classes and argument
> classes in UFL soon.
> That way, Function in PyDOLFIN can depend on ufl.Function instead of
> ffc.Function.
> At the moment, I'm using dolfin.cpp_Function (==dolfin::Function)
> since ffc.Function
> is mixed into dolfin.Function, and this small difference quickly
> propagates to many
> parts of the code. Since Function seems to be the next target for
> revision in DOLFIN,
> this seems like a good time.
> I have collected some ideas for simplified function definition in PyDOLFIN.
> The key to understand the below examples is that the second argument
> is interpreted solely based on its type, and thus it relies much on conventions.
> However, the element provides full information about the value shape and
> geometric and topological space dimensions, which makes many kinds of
> consistency checking possible.
> # To use Python functions, we should only rely on
> # the number of arguments, which is easy to verify:
> def python_function(x, y):
>     return (x**2, y**2)
> f = Function(element, python_function)
> f = Function(element, lambda x,y: (x**2, y**2))
> # (Note that lambda functions may be removed from Python 3)
> # Functions based on symbolic expressions are handy for code verification
> # (given an analytic solution, it's easy to compute the mathing source
> term from the PDE):
> f = Function(element, sympy_expression)
> # If you have an object inheriting ufc::function from some
> # other source, we should be able to use it directly:
> # (SFC can f.ex. compile a swiginac expression to an ufc::function object)
> f = Function(element, ufc_function)
> # UFL expressions can be passed to the form compiler in use, resulting
> in an ufc::function object:
> f = Function(element, ufl_expression)
> # Using Instant, we can easily compile C++ code, the tricky part is defining
> # simple conventions so we don't have to parse the code string too much:
> ufc_function_string_to_compile = """
> class f: public ufc::function {
>   void eval(double * v, const double *x, ...) {
>     v[0] = sin(x[0]*y[1]);
>   }
> };
> """
> f = Function(element, ufc_function_string_to_compile)
> # If "ufc::function" or "dolfin::Function" isn't found in string,
> # which is a trivial string search, we can add class details like
> # above automatically, relying on conventions for variable names:
> f = Function(element, "v[0] = sin(x[0]*y[1]);")
