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Re: assembly on sub domains


But then what is the difference between 
a MeshFunction for interior and exterior face_domains?
Shouldn't they be the same only with different markers for the boundary and 
for the interior?

MeshFunction<unsigned int> facets_subdomains(mesh, mesh.topology().dim() - 1);
(it has the information for all the facets, doesn't it?)

Is the problem in the order of the markers:
0...n-1 in the exterior 
0...n-1 in the interior

If we dont need the interior could we use the same MeshFunction, knowing that 
the interior is marked with 0?

Thanks again.

On Wednesday 07 May 2008, Anders Logg wrote:
> On Wed, May 07, 2008 at 05:33:50PM +0100, Nuno David Lopes wrote:
> > Ok i've got it, i think this shoud be the way:
> >
> > void dolfin::assemble(GenericTensor& A, Form& form, Mesh& mesh,
> >                const MeshFunction<dolfin::uint>& cell_domains,
> >                 const MeshFunction<dolfin::uint>&exterior_facet_domains,
> >                 const MeshFunction<dolfin::uint>& interior_facet_domains)
> > ?
> >
> > But still,  I have to pass 3 MeshFunction's ? even if we only need one,
> > (but that isn't a problem).
> Yes, that's unfortunate but I don't what the interface should look
> for specifying just one of them.

Nuno David Lopes

e-mail:ndl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx        (FCUL/CMAF)
           nlopes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    (ISEL)

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