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I'm trying to compile dolfin in a ubuntu 8.04.
Scons doesn't recognise umfpack!

I've got umfpack in libsuitesparse.

sudo scons enableMpi=0 enablePetsc=1 withUmfpackDir=/usr/include/suitesparse/

I've got this messages:
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
Using options from scons/options.cache
Checking for numpy-1... yes
Checking for scotch... no (pkg-config file not found)
 Trying to generate pkg-config file for scotch... failed
Checking for trilinos... no (pkg-config file not found)
 Trying to generate pkg-config file for trilinos... failed
Checking for ufc-1... yes

Checking for umfpack... yes

Checking for python-2... yes
Checking for petsc... yes
Checking for gts... yes
Checking for boost... yes
Checking for slepc... no (pkg-config file not found)
 Trying to generate pkg-config file for slepc... failed
Checking for libxml-2.0... yes
Resolving compiler... done
 Some tests failed using c++
 Switching to use /usr/bin/mpicxx instead.
Found optional package: petsc
Found optional package: gts
Unable to find optional package: slepc
Unable to find optional package: scotch

Unable to find optional package: umfpack

Unable to find optional package: trilinos
Enabling compilation of PyDOLFIN
Changing withUmfpackDir option didn't help.
Any ideas???

Thanks in advance.

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