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Re: profiling an assembly


On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 03:44:16PM +0200, Murtazo Nazarov wrote:
> Anders Logg wrote:
> > On Sun, May 18, 2008 at 10:55:10PM +0200, Johan Hoffman wrote:
> >   
> >>> On Sun 2008-05-18 21:54, Johan Hoffman wrote:
> >>>       
> >>>>> On Sat, May 17, 2008 at 04:40:48PM +0200, Johan Hoffman wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> 1. Solve time may dominate assemble anyway so that's where we should
> >>>>> optimize.
> >>>>>           
> >>>> Yes, there may be such cases, in particular for simple forms (Laplace
> >>>> equation etc.). For more complex forms with more terms and coefficients,
> >>>> assembly typically dominates, from what I have seen. This is the case
> >>>> for
> >>>> the flow problems of Murtazo for example.
> >>>>         
> >>> This probably depends if you use are using a projection method.  If you
> >>> are
> >>> solving the saddle point problem, you can forget about assembly time.
> >>>       
> >> Well, this is not what we see. I agree that this is what you would like,
> >> but this is not the case now. That is why we are now focusing on the
> >> assembly bottleneck.
> >>
> >> But
> >>     
> >>> optimizing the solve is all about constructing a good preconditioner.  If
> >>> the
> >>> operator is elliptic then AMG should work well and you don't have to
> >>> think, but
> >>> if it is indefinite all bets are off.  I think we can build saddle point
> >>> preconditioners now by writing some funny-looking mixed form files, but
> >>> that
> >>> could be made easier.
> >>>       
> >> We use a splitting approach with GMRES for the momentum equation and AMG
> >> for the continuity equations. This appears to work faitly well. As I said,
> >> the assembly of the momentum equation is dominating.
> >>
> >>     
> >>>>> 2. Assembling the action instead of the operator removes the A.add()
> >>>>> bottleneck.
> >>>>>           
> >>>> True. But it may be worthwhile to put some effort into optimizing also
> >>>> the
> >>>> matrix assembly.
> >>>>         
> >>> In any case, you have to form something to precondition with.
> >>>
> >>>       
> >>>>> As mentioned before, we are experimenting with iterating locally over
> >>>>> cells sharing common dofs and combining batches of element tensors
> >>>>> before inserting into the global sparse matrix row by row. Let's see
> >>>>> how it goes.
> >>>>>           
> >>>> Yes, this is interesting. Would be very interesting to hear about the
> >>>> progress.
> >>>>
> >>>> It is also interesting to understand what would optimize the insertion
> >>>> for
> >>>> different linear algebra backends, in particular Jed seems to have a
> >>>> good
> >>>> knowledge on petsc. We could then build backend optimimization into the
> >>>> local dof-orderings etc.
> >>>>         
> >>> I just press M-. when I'm curious :-)
> >>>
> >>> I can't imagine it pays to optimize for a particular backend (it's not
> >>> PETSc
> >>> anyway, rather whichever format is used by the preconditioner).  The CSR
> >>> data
> >>> structure is pretty common, but it will always be fastest to insert an
> >>> entire
> >>> row at once.  If using an intermediate hashed structure makes this
> >>> convenient,
> >>> then it would help.  The paper I posted assembles the entire matrix in
> >>> hashed
> >>> format and then converts it to CSR.  I'll guess that a hashed cache for
> >>> the
> >>> assembly (flushed every few MiB, for instance) would work at least as well
> >>> as
> >>> assembling the entire thing in hashed format.
> >>>       
> >> Yes, it seems that some form of hashed structure is a good possibility to
> >> optimize. What Murtazo is referring to would be similar to hash the whole
> >> matrix as in the paper you posted,
> >>     
> >
> > The way I interpret it, they are very different. The hash would store
> > a mapping from (i, j) to values while Murtazo suggest storing a
> > mapping from (element, i, j) to values.
> >
> >   
> Sorry, if i, j is already in global, than (element, i,j) is equivalent 
> to just (i,j), it means we can just do mapping of (i,j) to values. The 
> reason I included the element is that, i and j a local before the global 
> mapping.

How is that possible?

When we assemble, we need to know for each element where to insert
each of the local n^2 entries. Then we need a mapping from
(element, i, j) to a position in the global matrix.


Follow ups
