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[HG DOLFIN] merge


One or more new changesets pushed to the primary dolfin repository.
A short summary of the last three changesets is included below.

changeset:   4222:8e6e416e7e101813efb6b95cc5ef481aff79c92f
tag:         tip
parent:      4221:9a016d6a04eb7e9319977a0e5752bd4b5c042a40
parent:      4220:c881b50d210a532d363f7b681c1b25d03b4a52ac
user:        Anders Logg <logg@xxxxxxxxx>
date:        Thu May 22 00:42:48 2008 +0200

changeset:   4221:9a016d6a04eb7e9319977a0e5752bd4b5c042a40
parent:      4219:ccfb29d0ef7e2e2e4f750158622727a24b3d81f9
user:        Anders Logg <logg@xxxxxxxxx>
date:        Thu May 22 00:39:40 2008 +0200
files:       data/meshes/meshbc.xml.gz dolfin/fem/DirichletBC.cpp dolfin/fem/DirichletBC.h dolfin/io/XMLMesh.cpp dolfin/io/XMLMesh.h dolfin/mesh/MeshData.cpp dolfin/mesh/MeshData.h dolfin/mesh/MeshFunction.h dolfin/mesh/dolfin_mesh.h dolfin/swig/dolfin_docstrings.i dolfin/swig/dolfin_headers.i
Work on boundary conditions and mesh data.
Arrays are now also allowed as mesh data in addition
to mesh functions. This is needed to support the
output from VMTK and to speedup initialization and
application of boundary conditions. Some work remains
before VMTK is fully supported.

changeset:   4220:c881b50d210a532d363f7b681c1b25d03b4a52ac
user:        "Garth N. Wells <gnw20@xxxxxxxxx>"
date:        Wed May 21 11:08:10 2008 +0100
files:       demo/pde/elasticity/cpp/Elasticity.form demo/pde/elasticity/cpp/Elasticity.h demo/pde/elasticity/cpp/main.cpp
Set parameters for elasticity demo in main.cpp.

For more details, visit http://www.fenics.org/hg/dolfin