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PETSC-HYPRE problems again


After some digging in the mailing-list,
finally i've been able to build dolfin with petsc with no errors.
I've used the following options for dolfin:

scons withPetscDir=/mnt/net/aluserv/ndl/FENICS/petsc-2.3.3-p13 enablePetsc=1 
enableMpi=1 enablePydolfin=1

And i've used the following options for petsc:

./config/configure.py --with-cc=gcc --with-fc=g77 --download-f-blas-lapack=1 
--download-mpich=1 --download-hypre=1 --download-umfpack=1 --with-shared=1

Also, i can compile my code but when i run it i get a seg. fault:

 [an9:29660] *** Process received signal ***
[an9:29660] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[an9:29660] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[an9:29660] Failing at address: 0x44000074
[an9:29660] [ 0] [0xb7fda440]
[an9:29660] [ 
1] /mnt/net/aluserv/ndl/FENICS/petsc-2.3.3-p13/lib/linux-gnu-c-debug/libpetsc.so(PetscInitialize+0x58e) 
[an9:29660] [ 
2] /usr/local/lib/libdolfin.so(_ZN6dolfin17SubSystemsManager9initPETScEiPPcb+0x98) 
[an9:29660] [ 
3] /usr/local/lib/libdolfin.so(_ZN6dolfin17SubSystemsManager9initPETScEv+0xaf) 
[an9:29660] [ 4] /usr/local/lib/libdolfin.so(_ZN6dolfin11PETScVectorC1Ev+0x2d) 
[an9:29660] [ 
5] /usr/local/lib/libdolfin.so(_ZNK6dolfin12PETScFactory12createVectorEv+0x30) 
[an9:29660] [ 
6] /usr/local/lib/libdolfin.so(_ZNK6dolfin14DefaultFactory12createVectorEv+0x25) 
[an9:29660] [ 7] stokes.exe(_ZN6dolfin6VectorC1Ev+0x9a) [0x811365a]
[an9:29660] [ 8] stokes.exe(main+0x616) [0x8082a46]
[an9:29660] [ 9] /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xe0) 
[an9:29660] [10] stokes.exe(__gxx_personality_v0+0x335) [0x8082151]
[an9:29660] *** End of error message ***
Segmentation fault

Is this a common error? 

I've been able to run the code if i haven't the hypre option in petsc.

Nuno David Lopes

e-mail:ndl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx        (FCUL/CMAF)
           nlopes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    (ISEL)

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