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[francois.pellegrini@xxxxxxxx: Scotch 5.0.6 is out !]


FYI. Note in particular the following:

  Revision 5.0.6 is meant to be the last update of version 5.0 before
  the release of the upcoming version 5.1, which will offer parallel
  graph partitioning features.


We announce the release, as libre/free software, of revision 5.0.6 of
the SCOTCH and PT-SCOTCH software package and library for graph and
mesh/hypergraph partitioning, static mapping, and sequential and
parallel sparse matrix block ordering.

Revision 5.0.6 provides several new features :

- the possibility, for users who have multi-process or multi-thread
  support, to handle compressed graphs on the fly, both on input or on
  output. This can save a lot  of disk space and  communication time  when loading
  graph data from remote storage. This feature is available for the
  sequential and parallel  versions of the Scotch  binaries. It can  handle gzip,
  bzip2 and lzma formats, depending on available libraries and on compile-time

- an interface to order sub-graphs of a given graph while accounting
  for its halo adjacency;

- an explicit handling of 32- and 64-bit integer types by  means of
  specific macros;

- the support of the Matrix Market graph format in the graph

Revision 5.0.6 is meant to be the last update of version 5.0 before
the release of the upcoming version 5.1, which will offer parallel
graph partitioning features.

What is SCOTCH

SCOTCH is a project carried out at the Laboratoire Bordelais de
Recherche en Informatique (LaBRI) of the Universite Bordeaux I.  It is
part of project ScAlApplix of INRIA Bordeaux - Sud-Ouest. Its goal is
to apply graph theory, with a ``divide and conquer'' approach, to
scientific computing problems such as graph partitioning, static
mapping, and sparse matrix ordering.

How to get SCOTCH

Scotch can be freely downloaded, under the terms of the CeCILL-C
license.  To ease the development, diffusion, and circulation of
information regarding the SCOTCH project, most of its resources are
now hosted on the InriaGforge
platform provided by INRIA. Please refer to the SCOTCH web page at :


for more information. People interested in the SCOTCH project are
welcome to subscribe to the "scotch-announces" mailing list at :


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