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Dolfin+PETSc+Hypre MacOSX 10.4


Hi all,

Has anyone been able to build dolfin with Petsc *and* Hypre on MacOSX 10.4 (I know it has been done for 10.5)?

I've successfully built dolfin against a vanilla Petsc-2.3.3-p13 and am trying to extend it to use AMG from Hypre and have run into some dynamic library issues.

1) I can build Petsc with hypre-2.0 just fine (with either shared or static libraries for Petsc, hypre is always libHYPRE.a) 2) if I try to rebuild dolfin against this petsc (after removing the petsc.pc file) scons fails to create a packageconfig file petsc.pc 3) I can edit the vanilla petsc.pc to add -L/path/to/hypre -lHYPRE and rebuild dolfin. This has been shown to work on 10.5 (Leopard) but I seem to have issues in 10.4.
    When building libdolfin.dylib, I get the ld error

mpicxx -o dolfin/libdolfin.dylib -framework vecLib -dynamiclib - undefined dynamic_lookup dolfin/common/TimeDependent.os ... lots and lots of libraries

ld: common symbols not allowed with MH_DYLIB output format with the - multi_module option /Applications/petsc/petsc-2.3.3-p13/externalpackages/hypre-2.0.0/ macosx-gnu-local-dolfin-O/lib/libHYPRE.a(globalObjects.o) definition of common _msgBuf_dh (size 1024) /usr/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin8/4.0.1/libtool: internal link edit command failed
scons: *** [dolfin/libdolfin.dylib] Error 1
scons: building terminated because of errors.

I suspect the problem lies with the Hypre libraries and MacOSX and not Dolfin or PETSc per se, but the issue is getting AMG/Petsc support into dolfin on MacOSX. Any known fixes, work arounds (beyond buying a linux box ;^)?

all help greatly appreciated

Marc Spiegelman
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Dept. of Applied Physics/Applied Math
Columbia University
tel: 845 704 2323 (SkypeIn)

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