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Assembly benchmark


I have updated the assembly benchmark to include also MTL4, see


Here are the current results:

Assembly benchmark  |  Elasticity3D  PoissonP1  PoissonP2  PoissonP3  THStokes2D  NSEMomentum3D  StabStokes2D
uBLAS               |        9.0789    0.45645     3.8042     8.0736  14.937         9.2507        3.8455
PETSc               |        7.7758    0.42798     3.5483     7.3898  13.945         8.1632         3.258
Epetra              |        8.9516    0.45448     3.7976     8.0679  15.404         9.2341        3.8332
MTL4                |        8.9729    0.45554     3.7966     8.0759  14.94          9.2568        3.8658
Assembly            |         7.474    0.43673     3.7341     8.3793  14.633         7.6695        3.3878

The differences are very small, but this may be caused by

1. Overhead from the Python wrappers.

2. The computation of the sparsity pattern dominates.

I have plans to extract more fine-grained results (using the new
Timing class) so that we may report the time for computing the
sparsity pattern, initialization, and assembly separately.


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