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post-processing: stresses



I'm a (relatively) new user to the Fenics system and have a question. I'm not sure if this is the correct place to send this, but I couldn't find anything in the repository or the manuals (perhaps there's a relevant example somewhere I missed ... ?), so I ended up here.

I'm using Fenics to study the equations of linear elasticity (in a mixed Stokes formulation), which allows me to directly compute a displacement U and pressure P. In addition to these two variables, I am interested in the stress of the system. I have been able to obtain the stress by defining a suitable

stresselement = VectorElement("Discontinuous Lagrange", "triangle", 1, 9)
	S = TrialFunction(stresselement)
   	T = TestFunction(stresselement)

	a = dot(S, T)*dx
	# Sigma is the symmetric stress computed from the displacement, U
   	L = dot(Sigma, t)*dx

and then solving the resulting linear system for S. Next, I would like to do some calculations with the stresses; for example, integrate the stress along a boundary. To do this, I need the stress vector, s = Sn, where n is the normal on the boundary. However, I am unclear how to do this, as I have defined the stress as a 9-component vector instead of a 3x3 matrix (and n will be defined as a 3 component vector if I use the FacetNormal function).

Any suggestions on how to handle this?  Thanks!


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