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Re: Applying Dirichlet conditions by removing degrees of freedom (was [Fwd: Re: [HG DOLFIN] merge])


On ma., 2008-08-18 at 11:38 +0200, Jed Brown wrote:
> On Sun 2008-08-17 20:21, kent-and@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
> > I have never had any trouble with the additional diagonal matrix due to
> > Dirichlet conditions,  but I have mostly used multigrid. In K.-A. Mardal,
> > and R. Winther. Uniform Preconditioners for the Time Dependent Stokes
> > Problem, Numerische Mathematik 98(2):305--327, 2004.
> > we tested multigrid methods for Stokes type problems with Taylor-Hood,
> > P2-P0, Mini
> > and Crouzeix-Raviart elements (the CR experiments did not end up in the
> > final paper
> > but the number can be found in my thesis.) The condition number was below
> > 20 for all
> > methods independent of mesh size. I have done similar experiments with AMG.
> Interesting paper, thanks for the reference.
> I think we might be addressing a somewhat different problem since a
> significant part of A (at least half in the parameter range considered)
> comes from the mass matrix so zeroing rows will cause a much smaller
> perturbation to the condition number.  What is your experience as the
> time step goes to infinity?  In that case your preconditioner becomes a
> special case of the standard P_d = diag(A, -S) where S is replaced by
> the identity (or mass matrix) which is spectrally equivalent.  In my
> experience, this gives a very weak preconditioner, although it is cheap
> to apply.  With the full P_d above, the condition number of P_d^{-1} A
> has three distinct eigenvalues, 1, 1+sqrt(5), 1-sqrt(5).  However, if
> the Schur complement is only approximated, these become clusters and I
> have found convergence to be erratic.  I have had much better luck with
> preconditioners arising from the block LDU decomposition
>   [ A   B_1'] = [     I        0] [A  0] [I  (A^-1 B_1')]
>   [B_2    0 ]   [(B_2 A^{-1})  I] [0  S] [0       I     ]
> or from block triangular preconditioners also involving the Schur
> complement (although these seem less robust than the LDU version for the
> nonlinear problem and more sensitive to incomplete solves with S).  The
> condition numbers I was quoting are for the Schur complement, not for
> the preconditioned Jacobian (I normally make the preconditioner strong
> enough to fully converge in less than 10 iterations).  Note that the
> numbers I gave were influenced by the fact that the divergence matrix
> B=B_2=B_1 was actually of spectral order (49 in that case, applied by
> FFT) although the preconditioner for A was based on Q1 finite elements.
> While these are spectrally equivalent, it makes a difference in terms of
> constants.  Also, note that the mixed space was Q_p - Q_{p-2}, on which
> the inf-sup constant it grows like sqrt(p), so this influences the
> conditioning of the matrix.
> I am very interested in other experiences with this problem.  I'm fairly
> new to the field and implemented something which seemed reasonably
> general.  The following is a picture of the scaling for my Stokes
> solver, using the LDU form above as a preconditioner for FGMRES on the
> outer problem, versus a Poisson problem.  The preconditioner for the
> uniformly positive definite operators was ML with PETSc default
> parameters.  The discretization was Chebyshev collocation in 3D using
> the mixed space Q_p - Q_{p-2}, applied matrix-free via FFT, with
> preconditioning matrices (A and M) assembled using Q1 elements.  All
> experiments were run using one core of my laptop.
>   http://59A2.org/files/cheb-scaling.png
> Note that the slope is almost exactly 1 for the Stokes case, better than
> for the Poisson problem.  I believe this is due to S being better
> approximated by M as the grid is refined, but it is also influenced by p
> and p-2 both being good sizes for the DCT.
> The people I have talked to who tried these preconditioners in a code
> which enforces boundary conditions by zeroing rows of the matrix have
> not been happy with the convergence.  This may be an anomaly, but I have
> attributed it to the condition number of the Schur complement being
> higher.
> Jed

In the paper I mentioned above,  the mass matrix is added to the Stokes
problem for the sake of presentation, ie. it is easy to go from Darcy to
Stokes-type flow with only one parameter. Removing the mass matrix does
not change the condition number much, in fact the condition number will
then be smaller. You can find my experiments on a pure Stokes 
problem in K.-A. Mardal, J. Sundnes, H. P. Langtangen, and A. Tveito.
Block preconditioning and Systems of PDEs, In: Advanced Topics in
Computational Partial Differential Equations - Numerical Methods and
Diffpack Programming, ed. by Langtangen, H.P. and Tveito, A..
Springer-Verlag, pp. 199-236. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and
Engineering, 2003.
I can send the chapter to you if you don't have access to the book. 

However, the analyse of preconditioners for Stokes problem is well-known
eg. A preconditioned iterative method for saddle point problems
(context) - Rusten, Winther - 1992. Elman, Wathen and Silvester also
have several papers on this. Although, I am not sure whether any of
these papers have numerical experiments with multgrid methods. 

My guess is that the increase in the condition number in your case
comes from two things, the deterioation of the inf-sup condition
and the low-order preconditioner. I guess you are aware of the works
that address low-order preconditioners for spectral elements ? I don't 
remember the details now, but I know that at least the following papers
address the issue. 

C. Canuto and A. Quarteroni (1985)
M. O. Deville and E. H. Mund (1985)
S. D. Kim and S. V. Parter (1997)
J. S. Shen, F. Wang and J. Xu (2000)

It has been a while since I looked at these. 


Follow ups
