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Re: Visualizing basis functions


Evan Lezar wrote:

On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 5:04 PM, Marie Rognes <meg@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:meg@xxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    Evan Lezar wrote:

        I do have one quick question regarding the extension to the
        Nedelec basis functions of higher degree.  Now as soon as I
        increase the degree of the finite elements (to say 1), then
        the number of basis functions increases, which is expected.
         However, I am not 100% sure why the dimension of the space is
        8 for a degree of 1 - is there some documentation regarding
        the basis functions.

    Are you in 2 or 3D?

I am working in 2D. I just realized what the issue is. The Nedelec basis functions that are implemented by FFC are of the first kind and thus have a reduced order gradient subspace - this is what it says in the FFC manual at least.

Correct.  (The second kind Nedelecs are not implemented, yet.)

Also, the degree specified is the degree of the gradient subspace with the rotational subspace being one degree higher - and thus explaining the 8 basis functions (6 edge-based and 2 face based) over a triangle.

The numbering for the Raviart-Thomas and the first kind Nedelecs can be a bit confusing. However, I think the idea is that the numbering reflects the approximation properties. The k'th degree normally gives k+1'th order convergence.

This does not resolve the question regarding the heirarchical nature of the basis functions though.

        I have done some work in the past on sets of higher degree
        basis functons (mostly those of Webb (1999)), and as far as I
        can remember there should be 6 basisfunctions of degree 1.

    In 3D, there are 6 basis functions in the lowest order case. We
    start the numbering for the Nedelecs at 0.

    In 2D, there are 3 basis functions in the lowest order case
    (degree = 0) and as far as I remember 8 for the next.

        Then, the Nedelec set of basis functions are heirarchical and
        thus a set of a given degree should include the basis
        functions of a lower degree - the reason that I bring this up
        is that if I simply increase the degree of the finite element
        in the code sample that you supplied (as well as adjust the
        dimension of the space accordingly) then the basis functions
        plotted for degree 0 are not present in the 8 basis functions
        that are plotted.

The Nedelec bases constructed by FIAT corresponds to the original ones suggested by Nedelec and are not hierarchical.

         In addition, the normal component along an edge seems to be
        quadratic.  I would expect at most a linear variation in the
normal component.

You mean tangential component here, right?

Marie E. Rognes
Ph.D Fellow, Centre of Mathematics for Applications, University of Oslo
