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Re: pydolfin


Evan Lezar skrev den 21/08-2008 følgende:
> Hi all
> I am getting started in pyDolfin, but I am running into some problems -
> segmentation faults and general erratic behavior.  Some of these I think are
> due to the python interface to dolfin and I am stuck at a bit of a
> cross-road.  Either I must abandon python entirely and only make use of the
> C++ implementation of dolfin, or I can spend some time and perhaps improve
> the pyDolfin interface in terms of stability as well as features.  The way I
> see it, there are personal pros and cons for either approach, so I would
> like to hear what the community has to say.

Could you be more specific? Known issues are cross language reference
counting and inheritance.

> Also, any tips and pointers from someone with experience in pydolfin would
> be much appreciated.
> Evan

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