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[HG DOLFIN] Add functions to assemble.h which also apply bcs.


One or more new changesets pushed to the primary dolfin repository.
A short summary of the last three changesets is included below.

changeset:   4640:5e19f8a55eb94bd873417392ada1eba491eec6c8
tag:         tip
user:        "Garth N. Wells <gnw20@xxxxxxxxx>"
date:        Thu Aug 21 22:21:31 2008 +0100
files:       dolfin/fem/Assembler.cpp dolfin/fem/Assembler.h dolfin/fem/BoundaryCondition.cpp dolfin/fem/BoundaryCondition.h dolfin/fem/DirichletBC.h dolfin/fem/assemble.cpp dolfin/fem/assemble.h sandbox/cholmod/main.cpp
Add functions to assemble.h which also apply bcs.

changeset:   4639:610f0877bf2983d364c67bf466e12d002d20bbc1
user:        "Garth N. Wells <gnw20@xxxxxxxxx>"
date:        Thu Aug 21 19:39:24 2008 +0100
files:       scons/simula-scons/simula_scons/pkgconfiggenerators/umfpack.py
Fix typo.

changeset:   4638:2ff29fc025a512ac0e30520d870b4f957fc2f42e
user:        "Garth N. Wells <gnw20@xxxxxxxxx>"
date:        Thu Aug 21 19:29:46 2008 +0100
files:       scons/simula-scons/simula_scons/pkgconfiggenerators/cholmod.py scons/simula-scons/simula_scons/pkgconfiggenerators/umfpack.py
Hack in umfpack.py and cholmod.py to get around Hardy Atlas problem.

It's nasty, so feel free to improve and/or beautify.

For more details, visit http://www.fenics.org/hg/dolfin