Anders Logg skrev den 16/09-2008 følgende:
We use lowerCamelCase for function names, but this looks a little
silly when we map function names in the the wrapper classes DofMap
and FiniteElement:
ufc::dof_map::global_dimension() --> dolfin::DofMap::globalDimension()
Do we want to keep using lowerCamelCase for function names, or should
we use global_dimension() etc?
A change should not be very visible in the user interface, partly
because I think lowerCamelCase looks ugly and have tried to avoid
using it in the past (which is why many functions have short and
cryptic names like init(), update()...). :-)
I think consistency is more important than aesthetics :)
CamelCaps and function names with _ is, as far as I see it, consistent.