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Re: [FFC-dev] DOLFIN wrapper code generated by FFC


Anders Logg wrote:
On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 10:59:53AM +0100, Garth N. Wells wrote:
Anders, Could you modify the wrapper code generated by FFC to include FunctionSpaces as arguments? I modified the code in dolfin/ale/Poisson*.h by hand.

Yes, I'm just about to.

It would reduce the number of Form constructors if the FFC generated wrapper code would create a vector of FunctionSpaces.

Yes, we can assume that the Form constructor takes a vector of
FunctionSpace pointers (or shared pointers). The generated code will
add the appropriate constructors:

  class Form
    Form(Array<FunctionSpace*> function_spaces);

I changed the above to

     Form(Array<FunctionSpace&> function_spaces);

to keep away from plain pointers so ownership is unambiguous.


    Form(Array<std::tr1::shared_ptr<FunctionSpace> > function_spaces);

  class PoissonBilinearForm : public Form
    PoissonBilinearForm(FunctionSpace& V0, FunctionSpace& V1);
    PoissonBilinearForm(std::tr1::shared_ptr<FunctionSpace> V0, std::tr1::shared_ptr<FunctionSpace>);

    PoissonBilinearForm(Array<FunctionSpace*> function_spaces);
    PoissonBilinearForm(Array<std::tr1::shared_ptr<FunctionSpace> > function_spaces);


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