I have added a constructor to PETScMatrix to allow me to control whether
the matrix is to be created in parallel or not. The declarations are
given below
/// Create empty matrix
explicit PETScMatrix(Type type=default_matrix);
/// Create an empty matrix explicitly setting the parallel flag
explicit PETScMatrix(bool is_parallel, Type type=default_matrix);
The idea is that I use
S = PETScMatrix(False)
If I want to create a matrix that is local. The problem is that swig
can't differentiate between Type and bool (and uint for the
PETScMatrix(uint M, uint N, Type type=default_matrix); constructor). I
have seen that it is possible to rename PETScMatrix(bool) to
PETScMatrix_bool(bool) for example so that the python call would be
S = PETScMatrix_bool(False),
but I can't seem to get this working. Any suggestions?
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