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Re: PyDOLFIN interface


2008/11/4 Johan Hake <hake@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Hello!
> I have started the work on the PyDOLFIN. We can now define the forms in the
> poisson demo, using the syntax previously discussed, see python poisson demo.
> A FunctionSpace now inherits both dolfin::FunctionSpace and ffc.FiniteElement,
> and it can be used to instantiate user defined Functions which can be used to
> define forms.
> We need to discuss how to implement a discrete function. This is a bit
> complicated using the metaclass magic that is implemented now. Now we cannot
> do:
>  u = Function(V)
>  x = u.vector()
> as Function is just a dummy class for creation of userdefined functions.

We don't have to use metaclasses, it would be enough to implement
Function.__new__(cls, *args). This function can return objects of
a different type, e.g. a compiled function that doesn't inherit from
dolfin.Function but directly from dolfin::Function.
(I didn't understand this stuff fully until last week...)

> Is it possible to define a DiscreteFunction class in c++ (or just in swig?)
> that inherits dolfin::Function, and in its constructor calls vector()?
> Then we can use this class in python to create discrete functions. We then
> avoid the director class that is created by swig for all functions that
> inherits the cpp_Function. The obvious syntax would then be
>  u = DiscreteFunction(V)
> in python. I think with some python magic we still can have the syntax
>  u = Function(V)
> which would imply that a discrete function is created, but I haven't
> implemented it.

That would basically be duplicating the design that has been replaced...
I think dropping the metaclass is a much easier solution.

> We also have a problem with MixedElements. Now the FunctionSpace inherits
> ffc.FiniteElement and a MixedElement is not a FiniteElement. I suppose we
> could overload the __add__ operator for the FunctionSpace together with a new
> class MixedFunctionSpace, to fix this?
> Johan

We also have (in UFL at least) the classes VectorElement and TensorElement,
so this gets complicated. I think we should just make FunctionSpace own an
element instead.

element = FiniteElement(...)
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, element)
f = Function(V) # calls FiniteElement.__init__(self, element)

We can still get the function spaces from a form since
we can get the functions and they know their function spaces.


Follow ups
