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Re: Reading functions from file


On Monday 08 December 2008 22:31:58 Martin Sandve Alnæs wrote:
> 2008/12/8 Johan Hake <hake@xxxxxxxxx>:
> > On Monday 08 December 2008 14:53:09 Anders Logg wrote:
> >> On Mon, Dec 08, 2008 at 02:31:23PM +0100, Johan Hake wrote:
> >> > On Monday 08 December 2008 13:55:26 Anders Logg wrote:
> >> > > On Mon, Dec 08, 2008 at 08:01:32AM +0100, Johan Hake wrote:
> >> > > > On Sunday 07 December 2008 23:33:53 Anders Logg wrote:
> >> > > > > Something that needs to be added to the new Function interface
> >> > > > > is reading functions from file. This has worked before:
> >> > > > >
> >> > > > >   f = Function("function.xml")
> >> > > > >
> >> > > > > Can this be added to the metaclass machinery?
> >> > > >
> >> > > > No, but to the __new__ function ;) so I guess yes!
> >> > > >
> >> > > > The metalclass produces Function classes. The __new__ function
> >> > > > instantiate new Functions from what ever argument. This is such a
> >> > > > case.
> >> > >
> >> > > It looks like some work is needed to get this in place.
> >> > >
> >> > > The "constructor" currently looks as follows:
> >> > >
> >> > >     def __new__(cls, V, **kwargs):
> >> > >
> >> > > so to do
> >> > >
> >> > >     f = Function("function.xml")
> >> > >
> >> > > we need to check if V is a string. Could you add some hooks for
> >> > > this?
> >> >
> >> > I will have a look at it. I do not like V beeing both a FunctionSpace
> >> > and potentially a filename. I consider having a bunch of kwargs, all
> >> > defaulting to None. E.g.
> >> >
> >> >   def __new__(cls, V=None,cpparg=None,defaults=None,filename=None):
> >> >
> >> > Then if you create a Function from file you do:
> >> >
> >> >   f = Function(filename="some_function.xml")
> >> >
> >> > the cpparg can the repreresent what is sent to compile_function.
> >>
> >> Then it would be different from the C++ constructor (which doesn't
> >> handle named default arguments) and the Mesh constructor in both C++
> >> and Python:
> >>
> >>   mesh = Mesh("mesh.xml")
> >
> > The Mesh class has a much clearer C++ interface. It is either
> > instantiated with a filename-string or from another mesh. The Function
> > class is a versatile class already in the C++ interface, which defines
> > different constructors, but evenmore so in the python interface.
> >
> > Then I do not think that adding a kwarg for filename is that bad. The
> > design goal of having as similare interface as possible is good, but then
> > there are different programming cultures too, to take into acount. I am
> > not religious about it, but as far as we can I think we should define
> > kwargs to reflect different instantiation protocol.
> >
> > kwargs gives information about how to instantiate a Function. A common
> > way to figure out how to use a class in python, is to look at the args
> > and kwargs in class.__init__.
> Here, let me fix that for you:
>   A common way to figure out how to use a
>   poorly designed and/or documented
>   class in python, is to look at the args and kwargs in class.__init__.
> Forcing the user to look at the source code rarely reflects good code.

I suppose you do not mean that forcing a user to look at the argument list is 
reflecting bad code design, but rather the other way around. If we have bad 
code design we may force the user to look at the argument list together with 
other documentation?

> But I agree that keyword arguments isn't such a bad thing in python.


> >> Yes, first create the cpp.Function, then extract
> >> v.function_space.element().signature() and use that to create the form
> >> compiler element. Will that work?
> >
> > Yes it will be doable. I didn't know that the FiniteElements in the
> > elementlibrary all defined its signature. To accomplish this we need to
> > add some construction options for the dolfin.FunctionSpace though, as it
> > is too restrictive now.
> Whatever requirements you decide to put on the element signature,
> it would be nice if they were documented formally (i.e. not as ffc code),
> and placed in the UFC manual.
> > Martin has also asked for a way to instantiate a dolfin.FunctionSpace
> > either with an ufc form or from an ufc_finite_element together with an
> > ufc_dofmap. We should not forget the pure ufc interface. I think it is
> > good that Martin keep up that pressure! To reverse engeneer a
> > dolfin.FunctionSpace from these entities will probably not be doable.
> >
> > But for that usercase it should be sufficient to construct a
> > cpp.FunctionSpace which can be sent to assemble, e.g:
> >
> >  V = cpp.FunctionSpace(mesh,ufc_element,ufc_dofmap)
> >  f = Function(V,...) # We need to add support for sending in just
> >                      # a cpp.FunctionSpace to a Function, and then return
> >                      # a cpp.Function
> >
> >  A = assemble(compiled_ufc_form,function_spaces=V,coefficients=[f])
> >
> > We already have checks for cpp.FunctionSpace and cpp.Function for the
> > coefficients.
> >
> > I do not know how the coefficient kwarg should work though.
> >
> >  assemble(...,coefficient ={f_ufl:f_cpp})
> >
> > as the form that is sent in to the assemble function is compiled and does
> > not carry any information about the ufl/ffc coefficient function. Do you
> > have anything to add here Martin?
> Looks good. Either a dict or a list should be accepted.
> UFC does not require a UFL source!


> Maybe we can add a helper function:
> def function_spaces(form, mesh):
>     spaces = []
>     ... loop over form arguments and create FunctionSpace objects with
> reuse if possible
>     return spaces

My hands on experience with pure ffc code is nil, so please be more explicit.

> Maybe not exactly what's needed. But preferably we will have tools
> that enable easy use of UFC code directly, but which are also
> used behind the scenes regularly by common code such that
> they are actually in use and being maintained.
> Otherwise somebody(tm) will just keep making design decisions
> that breaks UFC compatibility, which sort of weakens the point of
> a unified interface...

I think I see your point. Instead of hiding the ufc stuff, in ffc.jit, which 
is the case today, we should use it more explicitly in the code, together 
with hooks to the outside world, for people that want to use PyDOLFIN with 
pure ufc.

But isn't this desing desision already broken in C++ DOLFIN?


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