Hi there,
I've recently found MeshData class which is very useful for storing
boundary indicators, materials data and other stuff. I start to use this
features for my projects, and realized that some details can be easily
My ideas for the better MeshData structure:
1. const Mesh& Mesh::operator=(const Mesh& mesh)
I think that the live would be much easier, when you add line:
_data = mesh._data;
This is probably the bug, because I can't understant why not to copy
data related with mesh object.
2. MeshData::createMeshFunction(std::string name)
Would it be possible to create function with 'dim' parameter for new
MeshFunction? Something like this:
MeshFunction<dolfin::uint>* MeshData::createMeshFunction(std:string
name, uint dim)
3. MeshData::clear()
The method should clear also 'maps'.
4. MeshData::display()
The method should print also 'maps'.
5. Mesh::data() and its const version can be inline.
6. Do we really need three kinds of structures inside the MeshData
(MeshFunctions, Arrays, maps)? Every different structure need separate
treatment, so it would be easier to mountain and learn when it would be
as simple as possible.
Any way, I think that MeshData is great feature. :) Thanks.