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Re: [HG DOLFIN] Add option for using assemble_system in VariationalProblem.


I've added a global option for specifying that a system is
symmetric. With this option set, the class VariationalProblem will
call assemble_system to assemble the linear system (like we had before
in LinearPDE).

The option needs to be global for now since the parameter system is
not fully functional from Python. Ideally, I'd like to add the
parameter locally in VariationalProblem (currently commented out) so
that one may do

  problem.set("symmetric", True)

but this breaks. After the release of 0.9.0, it would be good if we
could sort out the parameter system so that it works from both C++ and
Python. That would also be a good time to remove any unused parameters
(in DefaultParameters.h) and document all the remaining parameters.

I know Martin and Johan have implemented a parameter system for
PyCC. Perhaps there are some nice features we could add from there?
Note that we need a parameter system that works from both C++ and
Python so I figure anything we do must be implemented in C++ with some
suitable wrappers.


On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 12:11:54AM +0100, DOLFIN wrote:
> One or more new changesets pushed to the primary dolfin repository.
> A short summary of the last three changesets is included below.
> changeset:   5509:8cbf98ad2cf37e35816bd46bc92023eec9660817
> tag:         tip
> user:        Anders Logg <logg@xxxxxxxxx>
> date:        Wed Dec 31 00:11:43 2008 +0100
> files:       demo/la/trilinos/python/demo.py demo/pde/adaptive-poisson/python/demo.py demo/pde/bcs/python/demo.py demo/pde/dg/poisson/python/demo.py demo/pde/dielectric/python/demo.py demo/pde/elasticity/python/demo.py demo/pde/mixed-poisson/python/demo.py demo/pde/periodic/python/demo.py demo/pde/poisson/cpp/Poisson.form demo/pde/poisson/cpp/Poisson.h demo/pde/poisson/cpp/main.cpp demo/pde/poisson/python/demo.py demo/pde/poisson1D/python/demo.py demo/pde/stokes/stabilized/python/demo.py demo/pde/stokes/taylor-hood/python/demo.py demo/pde/sym-dirichlet-bc/python/demo.py dolfin/fem/Assembler.cpp dolfin/fem/VariationalProblem.cpp dolfin/fem/VariationalProblem.h dolfin/parameter/DefaultParameters.h dolfin/parameter/ParameterValue.cpp
> description:
> Add option for using assemble_system in VariationalProblem.
> See separate post.
> changeset:   5508:f050573b8a59c5817117a3dcbe2f17bb172a06e2
> user:        Anders Logg <logg@xxxxxxxxx>
> date:        Tue Dec 30 22:03:41 2008 +0100
> files:       TODO
> description:
> Add comment about where to store parameters: either in DefaultParameters.h
> or in constructors. Need to figure this out. Something for post 0.9.0.
> changeset:   5507:7a1f7541e44499120a5ccec0d19eb857519f8d7e
> user:        "Garth N. Wells <gnw20@xxxxxxxxx>"
> date:        Tue Dec 30 16:54:14 2008 +0000
> files:       dolfin/dolfin.h dolfin/swig/dolfin_docstrings.i dolfin/swig/dolfin_headers.i
> description:
> Change order of includes to avoid warning when compiling SWIG-generated code.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> For more details, visit http://www.fenics.org/hg/dolfin
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