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Re: Rivara bundle (was: Re: new refinement method)


I suggest putting DMesh as a private subclass of RivaraRefinement or
putting it in a separate file (and clean it up a bit). Otherwise it
looks good.


On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 01:41:50AM +0100, Johan Jansson wrote:
> Bartosz Sawicki wrote:
> > On 09/01/09 09:38 AM, Johan Jansson wrote:
> >> Hi!
> >>
> >> This looks interesting, could you please post references to the 
> >> papers you mentioned about the algorithm?
> >
> > Basic concept is from Rivara, but I'd like to avoid recursive 
> > algorithms, which has usually efficiency problems.
> >
> I don't think recursive algorithms have efficiency problems, what do you 
> mean by that? Quicksort is a recursive algorithm for example, and it's 
> one of the fastest sorting algorithms.
> > I've found in some papers [1], where they use similar algorithm but 
> > with  iteration procedure. Propably something like this is also 
> > implemented in FEtk.org (GAMer package). I write "probably" because 
> > the code is still unpublished, and I can't find any documentation 
> > about it.
> >
> > [1] N. A. Baker, D. Sept, M. J. Holst, J. A. McCammon: The adaptive 
> > multilevel finite element solution of the Poisson–Boltzmann equation 
> > on massively parallel computers,IBM J. RES. & DEV. VOL. 45 NO. 3/4 
> > MAY/JULY 2001
> Thanks for the reference, I'll look this paper up.
> >
> > Algorithm with I've implemented. It wasn't directly taken from any paper:
> >
> >   while( there are any marked cells ):
> >      forech cell which is marked:
> >         find the longest edge
> >         if the edge hasn't been bisected:
> >            bisect longest edge e
> >            remember bisected edge and new vertex
> >         else :
> >            use vertex which was remembered
> >         bisect cell
> >      foreach bisected edge:
> >         mark all cells which incidence the edge
> >
> > The weak point of the algorithm is the storing of bisected edges, and 
> > serching in them. I use double index STL mapping for that purpose - 
> > which works pretty well, but that's the slowest part of the algorithm.
> >
> > I have some ideas, which can make it faster, but it hasn't been tested 
> > yet. Stay tuned ...
> >
> > The mesh quality is fine, because _only the longest edge_ is bisected.
> Ok, good! I see that the algorithm you've implemented is indeed an 
> iterative variant of the Rivara algorithm. I think this could be very 
> useful to know. But as you mention your implementation has some 
> performance issues, could it also be because of the mesh 
> re-initialization (connectivity) in each iteration?
> Here is a bundle of the Rivara refinement:
> http://www.csc.kth.se/~jjan/dolfin-transfer/rivara.bundle
> Which exists as:
> dolfin/mesh/RivaraRefinement.cpp
> together with a performance test in:
> sandbox/refinement-perf
> You can run the test as:
> ./demo rivara
> for the recursive Rivara refinement and:
> ./demo iterative-Rivara
> for the iterative Rivara refinement.
> I realize the iterative version is an early implementation, but these 
> are the times I get on my computer:
> recursive Rivara: 2.3s
> iterative Rivara: 416s
> So the recursive implementation is over 100 times faster...
> Is it really only the map which makes the iterative version so slow, or 
> could it be something simple? Perhaps a re-implementation with a dynamic mesh as in my implementation would speed it up?
> Best,
>   Johan
> PS. Re-sending with link instead of attachment since the list didn't post the original message.
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