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Re: [Fwd: Re: Image to Function data structure conversion]


> Try looking at the functions
>  ElementLibrary::create_finite_element(std::string signature);
>  ElementLibrary::create_dof_map(std::string signature);
> They are defined in dolfin/elements/ElementLibrary.h/cpp.

I tried using the defined signatures to create a DofMap like this:

UnitSquare mesh(imageSize[0], imageSize[1]);
dolfin::DofMap dofmap("FFC dof map for FiniteElement('Lagrange',
'triangle', 1)", mesh);

But I get a segmentation fault starting with the following warning:

Checking mesh ordering (finished).
*** Warning: Assignment operator for MeshData not implemented.
 *** Process received signal ***
 Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
 Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
 Failing at address: 0xc3177d34
 [ 0] [0xb8089410]
 [ 1] /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6 [0xb7f19077]
 [ 2] /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6(cfree+0x96) [0xb7f19456]
 [ 3] /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6(_ZdlPv+0x21) [0xb5b670b1]
 [ 4] /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6(_ZdaPv+0x1d) [0xb5b6710d]
 [ 5] /usr/lib/libdolfin.so.0(_ZN6dolfin16MeshConnectivity5clearEv+0x4c)
 [ 6] /usr/lib/libdolfin.so.0(_ZN6dolfin16MeshConnectivityD1Ev+0x1d)
 [ 7] /usr/lib/libdolfin.so.0(_ZN6dolfin12MeshTopology5clearEv+0x6d)
 [ 8] /usr/lib/libdolfin.so.0(_ZN6dolfin4Mesh5clearEv+0x28) [0xb5ef2ab8]
 [ 9] /usr/lib/libdolfin.so.0(_ZN6dolfin4MeshD2Ev+0x25) [0xb5ef4435]
 [10] /usr/lib/InsightToolkit/WrapITK/lib/_ItkDolfinPython.so(_ZN3itk21ImageToDolfinFunctionINS_5ImageIdLj2EEEE7ConvertEPS2_+0x30b)
 [11] /usr/lib/InsightToolkit/WrapITK/lib/_ItkDolfinPython.so [0xacafd5d3]

It seems this patch has already removed the warning:


I have the latest binaries installed. Am I creating the DofMap object
in a wrong way, or is this a bug?

