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Re: dolfin <-> scipy <-> pyamg


Anders Logg wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 10:50:32PM +0100, Harish Narayanan wrote:
>> Anders Logg wrote:
>>> On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 10:27:51PM +0100, kent-and@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
>>>> Did you know that dolfin can be used together with scipy and pyamg to solve
>>>> the eg. the Poisson equation with AMG in Python. The attached example by
>>>> Luke Olson does this! This is so cool!
>>> Nice.
>>>> Should we add a webpage at  www.fenics.org where we list up software
>>>> packages that
>>>> can be used with FEniCS software (and nice examples where possible).
>>>> There are quite a few, eg.  VMTK and Netgen can create meshes.
>>>> Itk/Debiosee is getting some support at the moment. Scipy and PyAMG. Of
>>>> course all the linear algebra backends and  mesh formats etc.
>>> Yes, that would be good. See if you can find a good location for the
>>> page on the wiki.
>> I suggest making the gallery more prominent by making it the (main)
>> landing page. Then, these cool looking images can point to their
>> respective "How is this achieved?" pages, which highlight relevant
>> FEniCS as well as other projects.
>> harish
> Sounds good, but how should we make the Gallery more visible? There
> are already two links on the main page.

Making a highlighted subset of the gallery (say some 6 really cool
applications) part of the main Wiki page (replacing the top section of
the page where it says "To get started, visit the gallery ...").


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