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Re: Curl-curl demo


Would it be possible to send a tar.gz of the demos to me so that I can also
have a look without messing around in the source tree.

Also, just keep reminding the guys about your patch - I know they are
sometimes a little busy :)


On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 11:39 PM, Bartosz Sawicki <sawickib@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>wrote:

> Even if core team doesn't like my demo, could some point me thats wrong
> with the following code. It's so simple and similar to the cpp version, that
> I completely don't understand why the results are different.
> ===============
> from dolfin import *
> mesh = UnitSphere(10)
> PN = FunctionSpace(mesh, "Nedelec", 0)
> P1 = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
> v0 = TestFunction(PN)
> u0 = TrialFunction(PN)
> v1 = TestFunction(P1)
> u1 = TrialFunction(P1)
> dBdt = Function(P1, ("0.0", "0.0", "1.0"))
> zero = Function(P1, ("0.0", "0.0", "0.0"))
> T = Function(PN)
> J = Function(P1)
> class DirichletBoundary(SubDomain):
>    def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
>        return on_boundary
> bc = DirichletBC(P1, zero, DirichletBoundary())
> # Eddy currents equation (using potential T)
> Teqn = (dot(rot(v0), rot(u0))*dx, -dot(v0, dBdt)*dx)
> Tproblem = VariationalProblem( Teqn[0], Teqn[1], bc)
> T = Tproblem.solve()
> # Current density equation
> Jeqn = (dot(v1, u1)*dx, dot(v1, curl(T))*dx)
> Jproblem = VariationalProblem( Jeqn[0], Jeqn[1])
> J = Jproblem.solve()
> plot(J)
> interactive()
> ==============
> cheers,
> BArtek
> Evan Lezar wrote:
>> That is true. And more examples are never a bad thing :)
>> On 3/31/09, Bartosz Sawicki <sawickib@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Yes, you are right, but your waveguide is eigenvalue problem and need
>>> SLEPc to be installed. I think that it would be nice to have some basic
>>> example which doesn't create extra requirements.
>>> Just for dolfin beginners and for testing purposes.
>>> BArtosz
>>> Evan Lezar wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> The waveguide demo (pde/waveguide) uses the curl-curl formulation and
>>>> Nedelec elements for electromagnetic eigenvalue problems.  I am working
>>>> on
>>>> a
>>>> couple of other demos for full wave electromagnetic problems.
>>>> Evan
>>>> 2009/3/30 Bartosz Sawicki <sawickib@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>  I've written simple demo of curl-curl equation. It is based on
>>>>> eddy-currents phenomena in low conducting materials. So far, in the
>>>>> demo
>>>>> directory, there are no examples of this kind of PDE, where Nedelec
>>>>> elements
>>>>> are used.
>>>>> If you found it useful, please consider placing it in the repository.
>>>>> The patch which I'm sending, contains cpp and python code. Cpp works
>>>>> fine,
>>>>> but demo.py gives wrong results. I have no idea, whats wrong in the
>>>>> python
>>>>> code. Please, take a look, this is probably bug.
>>>>> cheers,
>>>>> BArtosz
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