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Re: uBLASKrylovMatrix and Python callbacks: now the fun begins


On Wednesday 08 April 2009 23:15:42 Robert Kirby wrote:
> Hi all,I've gotten a prototype working where I construct
> a uBLASSparseMatrix and get it to compute the same result as my
> matrix-free uBLASKrylovMatrix.  Both of these are constructed
> in PyDOLFIN.  However, I can feed the uBLASSparseMatrix
> I construct into a dolfin.uBLASKrylovSolver solve method,
> but I get a type error when I try to put my
> uBLASKrylovMatrix with mult and dim implemented in Python
> into the solver.
> In fact, I get a
> TypeError: in method 'uBLASKrylovSolver_solve', argument 2 of type
> 'dolfin::uBLASKrylovMatrix const &'

You need to call:


to initialize the super class.

When I did this I got a bit further. Now an assertion is triggered:

*** Assertion (_x.size() == _M.size1()) 
    [at dolfin/la/uBLASILUPreconditioner.cpp:41 in solve()]


> Not very revealing.  I've attached a horribly ugly source code for anyone
> interested in doing a post-mortem on this.
> Thanks,
> Rob

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