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Re: uBLASKrylovMatrix and Python callbacks: now the fun begins


On Tuesday 14 April 2009 17:28:07 Anders Logg wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 10:17:06AM -0500, Robert Kirby wrote:
> > In most Trilinos packages, you also have the opportunity to set these
> > parameters in code (though I think it's a case-by-case procedure rather
> > than having a common Parametrized class).  So there could be three
> > methods for setting parameters:
> > 1.) Directly in code
> > 2.) a parameter list via XML
> > 3.) command line
> >
> > I'm not sure if there are any advantages to having both 2 & 3 in place,
> > but am happy to be persuaded.
> 1. Obvious
> 2. Good for storing default values system-wide and on a per-user basis in
> say ~/.dolfin (but less obvious that it will be useful). But maybe most
> of all to store the set of parameters used for a particular simulation
> and remember those parameters.
> 3. Good for quickly changing an option without needing to edit any
> file (either code or XML).
> The first option is already in place. The second would require little
> work: XML input/output already working, just need to decide on a
> location for the XML files. The third would require some work but not
> that much.

Looks good. I think it is worth while to have a breif look at what diffpack 
do, as Kent suggests. The command line parser would be nice if it could read 
out what parameters are defined and then define valid options based on these. 
I do not know if this is possible though :P

With nested parameters I ment hierarchical parametrization. I did not know it 
was in place already! Well, then I use my own system in python instead ;)

> Anyone is welcome to have a go at these, but I have limited time right
> now myself.

Unfortunatly I neither have the time...


Follow ups
