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[WIKI] DOLFIN_road_map


The following page has been updated:


The changes are as follows.




*** 16,49 ****

!      * [14]1 Version 0.9
!      * [15]2 Version 1.0
!      * [16]3 Other planned features
!           + [17]3.1 Parallelization
!           + [18]3.2 Function
!           + [19]3.3 Mesh
!           + [20]3.4 Solvers
!      * [21]4 Items migrated from TODO list
!           + [22]4.1 TODO for DOLFIN 0.9.3
!           + [23]4.2 Unsorted
! Version 0.9
!      * Planned release date: Christmas 2008
!      * Parallel assembly and solve (see [25]here)
!      * Enable re-ordering of the degree-of-freedom map
!      * Apply Dirichlet boundary conditions during assembly rather than
!        only by zeroing rows (test version in place)
! Version 1.0
!      * Planned release date: Summer 2009
!      * All bugs fixed, all features in place
!      * Finish manual
--- 16,57 ----

!      * [14]1 Version 1.0
!      * [15]2 Version 0.9.4
!      * [16]3 Version 0.9.3
!      * [17]4 Other planned features
!           + [18]4.1 Parallelization
!           + [19]4.2 Function
!           + [20]4.3 Mesh
!           + [21]4.4 Solvers
!      * [22]5 Items migrated from TODO list
!           + [23]5.1 Unsorted
! Version 1.0
!      * Planned release date: October 2009
!      * All bugs fixed, all features in place
!      * Finish manual
!    [[25]edit]
! Version 0.9.4
!      * Planned release date: ?
!      * Parallel assembly
!      * Parallel solve
! Version 0.9.3
!      * Planned release data: ?
!      * Use strings instead of enums for parameters
!      * Consistent naming of member functions (use underscores)
!      * Break up function Assembler::assemble_system
!      * Cleanup Function class logic

*** 87,100 ****

     Please help out sorting them into their correct categories above.
- TODO for DOLFIN 0.9.3
-      * Use strings instead of enums for parameters
-      * Consistent naming of member functions (use underscores)
-      * Break up function Assembler::assemble_system
-    [[34]edit]
       * Build system
--- 95,100 ----


*** 121,127 ****

     described here to allow indexed access:
!    [35]http://www.mr-edd.co.uk/?p=113
       * Parallel issues
            + Store both global and local indices for cell/vertex, add mesh
              functions for this
--- 121,127 ----

     described here to allow indexed access:
!    [34]http://www.mr-edd.co.uk/?p=113
       * Parallel issues
            + Store both global and local indices for cell/vertex, add mesh
              functions for this

*** 180,183 ****

     Testing notification script
!    Retrieved from "[36]
--- 180,183 ----

     Testing notification script
!    Retrieved from "[35]