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Re: New xml io


Ola Skavhaug wrote:
On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 5:04 PM, Garth N. Wells <gnw20@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I've been looking at the new XML io with the intention of getting the
plotting of MeshFunctions working again, but it's not clear to me what
the intention is with the input of MeshFunctions. If 'intersection' is a
MeshFunction<unsigned int>, if I do

    File file("mesh_function.xml", true);
    file << intersection;

the file "mesh_function.xml" contains the XML output for a Mesh and a
MeshFuncion (the latter being just a list of numbers). When I then try
to read the MeshFunction,

    MeshFunction<unsigned int> test_function;
    file >> test_function;

I get the error  "what():  *** Error: Mesh has not been specified,
unable to initialize mesh function."

The new XML code look sophisticated and takes some effort to understand
- can we clear out the old code yet so there is less to trawl through?

That's a good idea. I will start on this on Monday. For the moment,
you need to do the following:

Mesh mesh;
file >> mesh;
MeshFunction<uint> mf(mesh);
file >> mf;

Is the final intention that the XML file for a MeshFunction will contain the mesh and a list of variables, or just a list of variables? If it's the latter, then FunctionPlotData could be generalised to handle MeshFunctions to faciliate plottting via viper.


I see that this is not the most elegant solution.


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