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Re: bug reading MeshFunction on a SubMesh from a file


Hi Kent,
and thanks for getting back...Everything you said sounds great. I'll keep my eyes open for changesets.
Many thanks

On Jul 17, 2009, at 2:02 PM, kent-and@xxxxxxxxx wrote:

Thanks Garth,

On Jul 15, 2009, at 10:44 AM, Garth N. Wells wrote:

mspieg wrote:
Hi All,
   I think there is a bug when trying to read a MeshFunction from
a file that was generated on a SubMesh.  I've attached some python
based on the SubMesh demo, that demonstrates the problem.  I think
the issue is that there is an extra MeshFunction embedded in a
SubMesh to describe the "global vertex indices" that gets read
instead of the intended mesh-function.

It might be a while before anyone gets to this. We hope to have a
new, simple to use bug tracking system (i.e. not Bugzilla) in place
soon to keep track of these types of issues, especially since they
tend to be forgotten while everyone is on holiday.

That would be good.  I can work around this easily enough at the
moment (if I just strip out the unwanted MeshFunction from the file
everything works fine).  If I don't see a fix, I'll post something on
the new bug tracking system when it's in place.

On a related note, it's easy enough to extract a SubMesh from a
larger Mesh using a MeshFunction, but what is the best way to
extract just the piece of a discrete function on the SubMesh, when
the Function is originally defined for a Function Space on the
larger mesh. (does this make sense?)
These issues arise from a multiphysics problem that I'm working
with overlapping domains  where I basically want to solve an
embedded porous media problem on a subdomain of a larger stokes
flow (this is slightly different from the fluid-structure demo
where the two domains only share a boundary.)

Kent has been working on something like this. Have you looked at


I started to look at this...A couple of questions/issues

Sorry for not getting back on you before now.

1) at the moment restriction only takes MeshFunction<bool> whereas
SubMesh takes (MeshFunction<uint>,uint) which allows multiple
subdomains.  It might be nice if these two had similar interfaces
particularly since I think it makes more sense to use SubMesh to
apply boundary conditions on the subdomain.

Agree, I'll do this.


2) At the moment restriction seems to mainly apply to the function
space, not the function (i.e. the demo just creates a new function on
the restricted function space, not extracts a restricted function
from the larger space).  I suspect this wouldn't be too hard to do,
but it's not entirely obvious what the best way to do this would
be...a nice interface would be similar to FunctionSpace.restriction
()  something like F=Function(V), F_restricted=F.restriction

Something like this can be done, I agree. At least the mapping between
the restricted and the full space should be exposed such that this is

That would be great...I started to think through how to do this, but thought that any hack I do is bound to be fragile. I'm not entirely sure what you had in mind but it would seem that a mapping of indices between the full and restricted dofs could be useful for extracting the vector for the restricted function, directly from the larger function (e.g. something like PETSc's IndexSet IS). But I'll be interested to see how you do this.

3) I have no idea how to handle this in parallel (but a lot of these
issues are related to local<->global mappings and maybe something can
be cleanly designed for all of these problems)

I have no idea either :)

Like I said, I can work around all of this at the moment, but it
would be useful to think through the best way to deal with these
sorts of embedded multi-physics problems.

Thanks again





All help greatly appreciated as always
p.s. all current dev repositories
p.p.s. another official release would be great...a lot has changed
since 2009-04
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Marc Spiegelman
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Dept. of Applied Physics/Applied Math
Columbia University
tel: 845 704 2323 (SkypeIn)
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DOLFIN-dev mailing list

Marc Spiegelman
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Dept. of Applied Physics/Applied Math
Columbia University
tel: 845 704 2323 (SkypeIn)

DOLFIN-dev mailing list

Marc Spiegelman
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Dept. of Applied Physics/Applied Math
Columbia University
tel: 845 704 2323 (SkypeIn)
