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Re: Default arguments in base classes


Ola Skavhaug wrote:
On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 9:21 AM, Ola Skavhaug<skavhaug@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
We've run into problems since only GenericMatrix provides the default
argument for norm type. Swig does not like this and omits generating a
constructor for the derived types. According to
virtual function should not provide default arguments at it tends to
"defeat polymorphism":

class Thing {
   virtual ~Thing();
   virtual void doItNTimes( int numTimes = 10 );
   virtual void doItThisHigh( double howHigh = 1.0 );
   // ...
class MyThing : public Thing {
   void doItNTimes( int numTimes );
   void doItThisHigh( double howHigh = 2.2 );
   // ...

MyThing *mt = new MyThing;
Thing *t = mt;
t->doItNTimes(); // default of 10
mt->doItNTimes();  // compile time error!
t->doItThisHigh(); // default of 1.0!
mt->doItThisHigh(); // default of 2.2

Is this the intended behaviour anyhow?

This is the proposed solution:

Ouch, this was another, bad solution actually :)

The proposed solution (from the link above) is roughly like this:

class Base
      void foo(double bar = 1.0) { foo_impl(bar); }
      virtual void foo_impl(double bar);

class Sub: public Base
      virtual void foo_impl(double bar);

This is pretty ugly and I know that I'll forget about it within a day or two. I suggest abandoning default arguments for norms if that fixes the problem. We have a default argument for str(..), but I think that PyDOLFIN has its own mechanism for this.

Note that we have a related Blueprint,



Sorry about that...


static double const minimumHeight = 1.0;
// ...
namespace XYZ {
class Thing {
   virtual ~Thing();
   virtual void doItThisHigh( double howHigh = minimumHeight );
   // ...
// ...
namespace XYZ {
static double const minimumHeight = 2.2;
class MyThing : public Thing {
   void doItThisHigh( double howHigh = minimumHeight );
   // ...

Resolving this issue also means getting the Python interface back on track.


Ola Skavhaug

Follow ups
