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Re: Results: Parallel speedup


Anders Logg wrote:
Johan and I have set up a benchmark for parallel speedup in


Here are some preliminary results:

  Speedup  |  Assemble  Assemble + solve
  1        |         1                 1
  2        |    1.4351            4.0785
  4        |    2.3763            6.9076
  8        |    3.7458            9.4648
  16       |    6.3143            19.369
  32       |    7.6207            33.699

These numbers look a bit strange, especially the superlinear speedup
for assemble + solve. There might be a bug somewhere in the benchmark

I've have seen something like this before for the solver. You might be close to using all the memory for the LU solve on one process.

Also, are you using MUMPS or UMFPACK for the one process case?


Anyway, we have some preliminary results that at least show some kind
of speedup.

It would be interesting to hear some comments on what kind of numbers
we should expect to get from Matt and others.

The benchmark is for assembling and solving Poisson on a 64 x 64 x 64
mesh using PETSc/MUMPS. Partitioning time is not included in the



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