kent-and@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
Hi, I am very happy with the Expression, but old code like
class Dabla(Function):
def eval(...)
still works.
The only problem is that the function is zero even though eval is
implemented. Is it
possible to turn this old code into an error?
In C++, no. There is no mechanism in C++ to prevent a user overloading
or hiding a member function.
But the problem here is that the method of the subclass is not called.
code written prior to Expression called the method of the subclass.
Consider the following code:
from dolfin import *
class Foo(Function):
def eval(self, v, x):
v[0] = 1
mesh = UnitSquare(12,12)
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)
f = Foo(V)
fi = interpolate(f, V)
print fi.vector().norm("l2")
will return 0.
which is clearly not expected.
What the user should of course do is to use Expression instead of
Function. Then
the above code would work. And I think the user should somehow be told
to use Expression.