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Re: [Question #93523]: dorsal/dolfin 0.9.5: segmentation faults


On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 09:38:59PM -0000, dbeacham wrote:
> Question #93523 on DOLFIN changed:
> https://answers.launchpad.net/dolfin/+question/93523
> dbeacham posted a new comment:
> I've compiled a copy of the development release and that works fine with
> UMFPACK, although a subsequent recompile of the stable source still gave
> the errors, so I'll just default to the dev stuff. One quick question
> about that: I assume that the form coefficients generated by ffc - w0,
> ..., wn - are named in the order that they are first encountered in the
> ufl file?

Yes, they should be.


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