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[Question #95601]: Computing Error Norms (C++)


New question #95601 on DOLFIN:

Hi all

I am trying to compute the error given a known solution. (C++). This is what I did.

I created two .ufl files; the first to genrate a functional:

element = FiniteElement("Lagrange", "triangle", 3)
v = Coefficient(element)
w = Coefficient(element)
M= ((w - v) * (w - v)) * dx

and the second to represent a higher order function space onto which the exact solution will be interpolated:

element = FiniteElement("Lagrange", "triangle", 3) 

Then in main.cpp, I had

Function u_exact_high(V_high_order);
Error::functional M(mesh, u_exact_high, u);
double error = std::sqrt(assemble(M));

1. is this the correct way to do it?

2. Is there a function or class that I can use? [I've searched but couldn't find one].

3. Do I follow the same procedure to calculate the H1 seminorm and other norms?

Best wishes


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