Johan Hake wrote:
> On Monday 18 January 2010 12:58:19 Anders Logg wrote:
>> On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 09:47:38PM +0100, Andre Massing wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am looking for suitable container in C++ (list, vector, array,
>>> something ordered, not a set) which is suitable to contain (shared)
>>> pointer or references to meshes *and* is willing to nicely interplay
>>> with the swig built python interface. I just want to pass a list of
>>> meshes to a constructor of a class. Is there any suitable classes
>>> around DOLFIN? Or it is now easy to wrap a say
>>> std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<Mesh> > or something similiar?
>>> Regards,
>>> Andre
>> I think the dolfin::Array class is the best option.
>> I'm not sure of the status of the wrapping of Array to Python but the
>> idea is that Array should be designed particularly for simple wrapping
>> to Python. Hake or Garth knows more.
> The transition is only done for ArrayDouble and maybe ArrayUInt I
> guess.
> For now you should be able to just add:
> in std_vector_typemaps.i where the other similar macros are run.
> Then you should be able to pass list of Mesh objects to the wrapped C++
> method/function. The signature of the C++ function can be any of:
> bar([const] std::vector< [const] Mesh&> >)
Ok, that might also be an option (and a good opportunity to recall the
things you taught me :) but did you mean
bar([const] std::vector< [const] Mesh *> >) ?