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form compiling broken after upgrading to ffc 0.9.0


This morning I was prompted to upgrade some packages including ffc etc. I said 'yes'. But after the upgrade, I found form compiling broken.

For example, when I compile the Mixed Poission demo, I got the following error.

chong@chong-desktop:~/build/demo/pde/mixed-poisson/cpp$ ffc -l dolfin MixedPoisson.ufl 
This is FFC, the FEniCS Form Compiler, version 0.9.0.
For further information, visit http://www.fenics.org/ffc/.

An exception occured during evaluation of form file.
To help you find the location of the error, a temporary script
has been created and will now be executed with debug output enabled:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/ffc", line 167, in <module>
  File "/usr/bin/ffc", line 138, in main
    ufd = load_ufl_file(filename)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/ufl/algorithms/formfiles.py", line 92, in load_ufl_file
    m = __import__(basename)
  File "/home/chong/build/demo/pde/mixed-poisson/cpp/MixedPoisson_debug.py", line 23, in <module>
    f = Function(DG)
NameError: name 'Function' is not defined

Here are the versions of the packages:
chong@chong-desktop:~/build/demo/pde/mixed-poisson/cpp$ dpkg -l | grep dolfin
ii  dolfin-bin                           0.9.5-2~ppa2~karmic1                       Executable scripts for DOLFIN
ii  dolfin-dev                           0.9.5-2~ppa2~karmic1                       Empty package depending on latest DOLFIN dev
ii  dolfin-doc                           0.9.5-2~ppa2~karmic1                       Documentation and demo programs for DOLFIN
ii  libdolfin0                           0.9.5-2~ppa2~karmic1                       shared libraries for DOLFIN
ii  libdolfin0-dev                       0.9.5-2~ppa2~karmic1                       Shared links and header files for DOLFIN
ii  python-pydolfin0                     0.9.5-2~ppa2~karmic1                       Python interface for DOLFIN
chong@chong-desktop:~/build/demo/pde/mixed-poisson/cpp$ dpkg -l | grep ffc
ii  python-ffc                           0.9.0-2~ppa1~karmic1                       compiler for finite element variational form

Btw: I use Ubuntu 9.10 64bit.



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