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Re: Non-intuitiveness with assembling over sub_domains


Johan Hake wrote:
On Thursday April 8 2010 04:51:24 Marie Rognes wrote:
There is something suboptimal with regard to assembly over sub_domains
by domains (in contrast to markers)

Say I have some functional

(*)    M = f*ds

where f is some function. Let 'domain' be some sub-domain.

Now, it is not clear to me what

    v = assemble(M, mesh=mesh, exterior_facet_domains=domain)

gives. It would be really convenient (for my purposes) if it gave
the same as

    v = assemble(M, mesh=mesh)

Considering that ds defaults to ds(0) I think it is a logical behaviour.


   ds == ds(0)


When you want the whole boundary you do not pass any exterior domain. If you want the ds form integrated over a certain boundary you pass that boundary.

Right, and I guess that most people actually know which boundary that they want to integrate over ;)

However, I just have some abstract form M and some subdomains that I try to assemble correctly.

Is there any way of checking whether a form is *ds or *ds(0)? If indeed ds == ds(0), I guess not... Hm.


It would also make some sense, considering that no special
tag has been defined in (*), and so the exterior_facet_domains
argument could be ignored.

It does not at the moment though. At the moment, it seems
as though ds -> ds(0) and the sub-domain is converted
to markers, marking anything inside 'domain' as 0, and
everything else as 1...?  This is really not obvious to me.

I do not know if changing the default representation of ds, or documenting (better) that ds defaults to ds(0) could help. The latter whould be the easiest fix.

Could "we" change the interface to something slightly
more transparent?


PS: Example attached.

from dolfin import *

class Domain(SubDomain):
    def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
        return x[0] < 0.5 and on_boundary

mesh = UnitSquare(8, 8)
f = Expression("sin(pi*x[0])")
M = f*ds

domain = Domain()

markers = MeshFunction("uint", mesh, 1)
domain.mark(markers, 1)

v1 = assemble(M, mesh=mesh)
v2 = assemble(M, mesh=mesh, exterior_facet_domains=domain)
v3 = assemble(M, mesh=mesh, exterior_facet_domains=markers)

print "It is not intuitive what these become ..."
print "v1 = ", v1
print "v2 = ", v2
print "v3 = ", v3

At least v2 and v3 add up to v1 :)
If you changed

  domain.mark(markers, 1)


  domain.mark(markers, 0)

You would get the same.

Follow ups
