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Re: Strangeness in advection-diffusion demo


On Tuesday May 11 2010 06:48:04 Anders Logg wrote:
> The advection-diffusion demo (both C++ and Python versions) says in
> the comment that a stabilized method is used, but the stabilization
> seems to be missing.

Yes, it looks like the stabilization part is missing.

> I think I remember this being added at some point, by either Hake or
> Garth. Any clue where this went?

I have mentioned adding a SUPG stabilized demo a while ago. I do not know who 
added this one, eventhough my name comes up on bzr annotate :P. It looks like 
it is Kristian who is the original author?

> There also seems to be a typo for the diffusive term which appears in
> both LHS and RHS.

The diffusive term looks correct to me. Note that the advective term is _not_ 
integrated by part. This implicitly sets a flux condition on the Neumann 
boundaries to:


The diffusive flux across the boundaries are set to zero.


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