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[noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx: [Branch ~dolfin-core/dolfin/main] Rev 4776: Remove UFCDofMap. Keeping it simple.]


What is the difference from before? Is it only that the dofs are
always tabulated and stored (never computed on the fly)?

--- Begin Message ---
revno: 4776
committer: Garth N. Wells <gnw20@xxxxxxxxx>
branch nick: dolfin-petsc
timestamp: Tue 2010-06-01 14:52:50 +0100
  Remove UFCDofMap. Keeping it simple.


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=== removed file 'dolfin/fem/UFCDofMap.cpp'
--- dolfin/fem/UFCDofMap.cpp	2010-05-29 19:10:56 +0000
+++ dolfin/fem/UFCDofMap.cpp	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Anders Logg and Garth N. Wells.
-// Licensed under the GNU LGPL Version 2.1.
-// Modified by Martin Alnes, 2008
-// Modified by Kent-Andre Mardal, 2009
-// Modified by Ola Skavhaug, 2009
-// Modified by Niclas Jansson, 2009
-// First added:  2007-03-01
-// Last changed: 2010-05-20
-#include <dolfin/common/Set.h>
-#include <dolfin/common/Timer.h>
-#include <dolfin/log/LogStream.h>
-#include <dolfin/mesh/MeshPartitioning.h>
-#include <dolfin/common/NoDeleter.h>
-#include <dolfin/common/types.h>
-#include <dolfin/mesh/Cell.h>
-#include <dolfin/mesh/MeshData.h>
-#include "UFC.h"
-#include "UFCCell.h"
-#include "UFCDofMap.h"
-#include <dolfin/mesh/BoundaryMesh.h>
-using namespace dolfin;
-UFCDofMap::UFCDofMap(boost::shared_ptr<ufc::dof_map> ufc_dofmap,
-                     Mesh& dolfin_mesh)
-                   : _ufc_dofmap(ufc_dofmap), _ufc_offset(0),
-                     _parallel(MPI::num_processes() > 1)
-  assert(_ufc_dofmap);
-  // Generate and number all mesh entities
-  for (uint d = 1; d <= dolfin_mesh.topology().dim(); ++d)
-  {
-    if (_ufc_dofmap->needs_mesh_entities(d) ||
-    	(_parallel && d == (dolfin_mesh.topology().dim() - 1)))
-    {
-      dolfin_mesh.init(d);
-      if (_parallel)
-        MeshPartitioning::number_entities(dolfin_mesh, d);
-    }
-  }
-  // Initialize
-  init(dolfin_mesh);
-UFCDofMap::UFCDofMap(boost::shared_ptr<ufc::dof_map> ufc_dofmap,
-                     const Mesh& dolfin_mesh)
-                   : _ufc_dofmap(ufc_dofmap), _ufc_offset(0),
-                    _parallel(MPI::num_processes() > 1)
-  assert(_ufc_dofmap);
-  // Initialize
-  init(dolfin_mesh);
-  // Do nothing
-void UFCDofMap::tabulate_dofs(uint* dofs, const ufc::cell& ufc_cell,
-                              uint cell_index) const
-  assert(_ufc_dofmap);
-  // Tabulate UFC dof map
-  _ufc_dofmap->tabulate_dofs(dofs, _ufc_mesh, ufc_cell);
-  // Add offset if necessary
-  if (_ufc_offset > 0)
-  {
-    const uint local_dim = local_dimension(ufc_cell);
-    for (uint i = 0; i < local_dim; i++)
-      dofs[i] += _ufc_offset;
-  }
-void UFCDofMap::tabulate_dofs(uint* dofs, const Cell& cell) const
-  UFCCell ufc_cell(cell);
-  tabulate_dofs(dofs, ufc_cell, cell.index());
-void UFCDofMap::tabulate_facet_dofs(uint* dofs, uint local_facet) const
-  assert(_ufc_dofmap);
-  _ufc_dofmap->tabulate_facet_dofs(dofs, local_facet);
-void UFCDofMap::tabulate_coordinates(double** coordinates, const Cell& cell) const
-  UFCCell ufc_cell(cell);
-  tabulate_coordinates(coordinates, ufc_cell);
-UFCDofMap* UFCDofMap::extract_sub_dofmap(const std::vector<uint>& component,
-                                         const Mesh& dolfin_mesh) const
-  // Reset offset
-  uint ufc_offset = 0;
-  // Recursively extract UFC sub dofmap
-  assert(_ufc_dofmap);
-  boost::shared_ptr<ufc::dof_map>
-    ufc_sub_dof_map(extract_sub_dofmap(*_ufc_dofmap, ufc_offset, component, _ufc_mesh, dolfin_mesh));
-  info(DBG, "Extracted dof map for sub system: %s", ufc_sub_dof_map->signature());
-  info(DBG, "Offset for sub system: %d", ufc_offset);
-  // Create dofmap
-  UFCDofMap* sub_dofmap = new UFCDofMap(ufc_sub_dof_map, dolfin_mesh);
-  // Set offset
-  sub_dofmap->_ufc_offset = ufc_offset;
-  return sub_dofmap;
-UFCDofMap* UFCDofMap::collapse(std::map<uint, uint>& collapsed_map,
-                               const Mesh& dolfin_mesh) const
-  // Create a new DofMap
-  assert(_ufc_dofmap);
-  UFCDofMap* collapsed_dof_map = new UFCDofMap(_ufc_dofmap, dolfin_mesh);
-  assert(collapsed_dof_map->global_dimension() == this->global_dimension());
-  // Clear map
-  collapsed_map.clear();
-  // Build map from collapsed to original dofs
-  UFCCell ufc_cell(dolfin_mesh);
-  std::vector<uint> dofs(this->max_local_dimension());
-  std::vector<uint> collapsed_dofs(collapsed_dof_map->max_local_dimension());
-  for (CellIterator cell(dolfin_mesh); !cell.end(); ++cell)
-  {
-    // Update to current cell
-    ufc_cell.update(*cell);
-   // Tabulate dofs
-   this->tabulate_dofs(&dofs[0], ufc_cell, cell->index());
-   collapsed_dof_map->tabulate_dofs(&collapsed_dofs[0], ufc_cell, cell->index());
-    // Add to map
-    for (uint i = 0; i < collapsed_dof_map->local_dimension(ufc_cell); ++i)
-      collapsed_map[collapsed_dofs[i]] = dofs[i];
-  }
-  return collapsed_dof_map;
-ufc::dof_map* UFCDofMap::extract_sub_dofmap(const ufc::dof_map& ufc_dofmap,
-                                            uint& offset,
-                                            const std::vector<uint>& component,
-                                            const ufc::mesh ufc_mesh,
-                                            const Mesh& dolfin_mesh)
-  // Check if there are any sub systems
-  if (ufc_dofmap.num_sub_dof_maps() == 0)
-    error("Unable to extract sub system (there are no sub systems).");
-  // Check that a sub system has been specified
-  if (component.size() == 0)
-    error("Unable to extract sub system (no sub system specified).");
-  // Check the number of available sub systems
-  if (component[0] >= ufc_dofmap.num_sub_dof_maps())
-    error("Unable to extract sub system %d (only %d sub systems defined).",
-                  component[0], ufc_dofmap.num_sub_dof_maps());
-  // Add to offset if necessary
-  for (uint i = 0; i < component[0]; i++)
-  {
-    // Extract sub dofmap
-    boost::shared_ptr<ufc::dof_map> _ufc_dofmap(ufc_dofmap.create_sub_dof_map(i));
-    // Initialise
-    init_ufc_dofmap(*_ufc_dofmap, ufc_mesh, dolfin_mesh);
-    // Get offset
-    assert(_ufc_dofmap);
-    offset += _ufc_dofmap->global_dimension();
-  }
-  // Create UFC sub system
-  ufc::dof_map* sub_dof_map = ufc_dofmap.create_sub_dof_map(component[0]);
-  // Return sub system if sub sub system should not be extracted
-  if (component.size() == 1)
-    return sub_dof_map;
-  // Otherwise, recursively extract the sub sub system
-  std::vector<uint> sub_component;
-  for (uint i = 1; i < component.size(); i++)
-    sub_component.push_back(component[i]);
-  ufc::dof_map* sub_sub_dof_map = extract_sub_dofmap(*sub_dof_map, offset,
-                                                     sub_component, ufc_mesh,
-                                                     dolfin_mesh);
-  delete sub_dof_map;
-  return sub_sub_dof_map;
-void UFCDofMap::init(const Mesh& dolfin_mesh)
-  // Start timer for dofmap initialization
-  Timer t0("Init dofmap");
-  // Initialize the UFC mesh
-  init_ufc_mesh(_ufc_mesh, dolfin_mesh);
-  // Initialize the UFC dofmap
-  assert(_ufc_dofmap);
-  init_ufc_dofmap(*_ufc_dofmap, _ufc_mesh, dolfin_mesh);
-void UFCDofMap::init_ufc_mesh(UFCMesh& ufc_mesh, const Mesh& dolfin_mesh)
-  // Check that mesh has been ordered
-  if (!dolfin_mesh.ordered())
-     error("Mesh is not ordered according to the UFC numbering convention, consider calling mesh.order().");
-  // Initialize UFC mesh data (must be done after entities are created)
-  ufc_mesh.init(dolfin_mesh);
-void UFCDofMap::init_ufc_dofmap(ufc::dof_map& dofmap,
-                             const ufc::mesh ufc_mesh,
-                             const Mesh& dolfin_mesh)
-  // Check that we have all mesh entities
-  for (uint d = 0; d <= dolfin_mesh.topology().dim(); ++d)
-  {
-    if (dofmap.needs_mesh_entities(d) && dolfin_mesh.num_entities(d) == 0)
-      error("Unable to create function space, missing entities of dimension %d. Try calling mesh.init(%d).", d, d);
-  }
-  // Initialize UFC dof map
-  const bool init_cells = dofmap.init_mesh(ufc_mesh);
-  if (init_cells)
-  {
-    UFCCell ufc_cell(dolfin_mesh);
-    for (CellIterator cell(dolfin_mesh); !cell.end(); ++cell)
-    {
-      ufc_cell.update(*cell);
-      dofmap.init_cell(ufc_mesh, ufc_cell);
-    }
-    dofmap.init_cell_finalize();
-  }
-dolfin::Set<dolfin::uint> UFCDofMap::dofs(const Mesh& mesh, bool sort) const
-  dolfin::Set<uint> dof_list;
-  UFCCell ufc_cell(mesh);
-  std::vector<uint> dofs(max_local_dimension());
-  for (CellIterator cell(mesh); !cell.end(); ++cell)
-  {
-    // Update to current cell
-    ufc_cell.update(*cell);
-    // Tabulate dofs and insert int Set
-    tabulate_dofs(&dofs[0], ufc_cell, cell->index());
-    for (uint i = 0; i < local_dimension(ufc_cell); ++i)
-      dof_list.insert(dofs[i]);
-  }
-  if(sort)
-    dof_list.sort();
-  return dof_list;
-std::string UFCDofMap::str(bool verbose) const
-  assert(_ufc_dofmap);
-  std::stringstream s;
-  if (verbose)
-  {
-    s << str(false) << std::endl << std::endl;
-    s << "  Signature:               " << _ufc_dofmap->signature() << std::endl;
-    s << "  Global dimension:        " << _ufc_dofmap->global_dimension() << std::endl;
-    s << "  Maximum local dimension: " << _ufc_dofmap->max_local_dimension() << std::endl;
-    s << "  Geometric dimension:     " << _ufc_dofmap->geometric_dimension() << std::endl;
-    s << "  Number of sub dofmaps:   " << _ufc_dofmap->num_sub_dof_maps() << std::endl;
-    s << "  Number of facet dofs:    " << _ufc_dofmap->num_facet_dofs() << std::endl;
-    s << std::endl;
-    s << "To print the entire dofmap, call FunctionSpace::print_dofmap.";
-  }
-  else
-    s << "<DofMap of global dimension " << global_dimension() << ">";
-  return s.str();

=== removed file 'dolfin/fem/UFCDofMap.h'
--- dolfin/fem/UFCDofMap.h	2010-05-29 19:10:56 +0000
+++ dolfin/fem/UFCDofMap.h	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Anders Logg and Garth N. Wells.
-// Licensed under the GNU LGPL Version 2.1.
-// Modified by Martin Alnes, 2008
-// Modified by Kent-Andre Mardal, 2009
-// Modified by Ola Skavhaug, 2009
-// First added:  2007-03-01
-// Last changed: 2010-05-20
-#ifndef __UFC_DOF_MAP_H
-#define __UFC_DOF_MAP_H
-#include <memory>
-#include <vector>
-#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
-#include <dolfin/common/types.h>
-#include <dolfin/common/Variable.h>
-#include <dolfin/mesh/Mesh.h>
-#include <dolfin/mesh/MeshFunction.h>
-#include "GenericDofMap.h"
-#include "UFC.h"
-#include "UFCCell.h"
-#include "UFCMesh.h"
-namespace dolfin
-  class UFC;
-  template<class T> class Set;
-  /// This class handles the mapping of degrees of freedom.
-  /// It wraps a ufc::dof_map on a specific mesh and provides
-  /// optional precomputation and reordering of dofs.
-  class UFCDofMap : public GenericDofMap
-  {
-  public:
-    /// Create dof map on mesh
-    UFCDofMap(boost::shared_ptr<ufc::dof_map> ufc_dofmap,
-              Mesh& dolfin_mesh);
-    /// Create dof map on mesh (const mesh version)
-    UFCDofMap(boost::shared_ptr<ufc::dof_map> ufc_dofmap,
-              const Mesh& dolfin_mesh);
-  public:
-    /// Destructor
-    ~UFCDofMap();
-    /// Return a string identifying the dof map
-    std::string signature() const
-    {
-      assert(_ufc_dofmap);
-      return _ufc_dofmap->signature();
-    }
-    /// Return true iff mesh entities of topological dimension d are needed
-    bool needs_mesh_entities(unsigned int d) const
-    {
-      assert(_ufc_dofmap);
-      return _ufc_dofmap->needs_mesh_entities(d);
-    }
-    /// Return the dimension of the global finite element function space
-    unsigned int global_dimension() const
-    {
-      assert(_ufc_dofmap);
-      assert(_ufc_dofmap->global_dimension() > 0);
-      return _ufc_dofmap->global_dimension();
-    }
-    /// Return the dimension of the local finite element function space on a cell
-    unsigned int local_dimension(const ufc::cell& cell) const
-    {
-      assert(_ufc_dofmap);
-      return _ufc_dofmap->local_dimension(cell);
-    }
-    /// Return the maximum dimension of the local finite element function space
-    unsigned int max_local_dimension() const
-    {
-      assert(_ufc_dofmap);
-      return _ufc_dofmap->max_local_dimension();
-    }
-    // Return the geometric dimension of the coordinates this dof map provides
-    unsigned int geometric_dimension() const
-    {
-      assert(_ufc_dofmap);
-      return _ufc_dofmap->geometric_dimension();
-    }
-    /// Return number of facet dofs
-    unsigned int num_facet_dofs() const
-    {
-      assert(_ufc_dofmap);
-      return _ufc_dofmap->num_facet_dofs();
-    }
-    /// Tabulate the local-to-global mapping of dofs on a cell (UFC cell version)
-    void tabulate_dofs(uint* dofs, const ufc::cell& ufc_cell, uint cell_index) const;
-    /// Tabulate the local-to-global mapping of dofs on a cell (DOLFIN cell version)
-    void tabulate_dofs(uint* dofs, const Cell& cell) const;
-    /// Tabulate local-local facet dofs
-    void tabulate_facet_dofs(uint* dofs, uint local_facet) const;
-    /// Tabulate the coordinates of all dofs on a cell (UFC cell version)
-    void tabulate_coordinates(double** coordinates, const ufc::cell& ufc_cell) const
-    { _ufc_dofmap->tabulate_coordinates(coordinates, ufc_cell); }
-    /// Tabulate the coordinates of all dofs on a cell (DOLFIN cell version)
-    void tabulate_coordinates(double** coordinates, const Cell& cell) const;
-    /// Extract sub dofmap component
-    UFCDofMap* extract_sub_dofmap(const std::vector<uint>& component, const Mesh& dolfin_mesh) const;
-    /// "Collapse" a sub dofmap
-    UFCDofMap* collapse(std::map<uint, uint>& collapsed_map, const Mesh& dolfin_mesh) const;
-    /// Return the set of dof indices
-    Set<dolfin::uint> dofs(const Mesh& mesh, bool sort = false) const;
-    /// Return informal string representation (pretty-print)
-    std::string str(bool verbose) const;
-  private:
-    // Initialize
-    void init(const Mesh& dolfin_mesh);
-    /// Initialize the UFC mesh
-    static void init_ufc_mesh(UFCMesh& ufc_mesh,
-                              const Mesh& dolfin_mesh);
-    /// Initialize the UFC dofmap
-    static void init_ufc_dofmap(ufc::dof_map& dofmap,
-                                const ufc::mesh ufc_mesh,
-                                const Mesh& dolfin_mesh);
-    // Recursively extract sub dofmap
-    static ufc::dof_map* extract_sub_dofmap(const ufc::dof_map& ufc_dof_map,
-                                            uint& offset,
-                                            const std::vector<uint>& component,
-                                            const ufc::mesh ufc_mesh,
-                                            const Mesh& dolfin_mesh);
-    // UFC dof map
-    boost::shared_ptr<ufc::dof_map> _ufc_dofmap;
-    // UFC mesh
-    UFCMesh _ufc_mesh;
-    // UFC dof map offset into parent's vector of coefficients
-    uint _ufc_offset;
-    // True iff running in parallel
-    bool _parallel;
-  };

--- End Message ---

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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