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Re: Interpolation in parallel


On Mon, 2010-08-09 at 15:32 +0200, Ola Skavhaug wrote:
> Hi,
> when running DOLFIN in parallel, data reduction would be a nice thing
> to have. Typically, it would be good to have something like this:
> mesh = UnitSquare(2000, 2000)
> reduced_mesh = UnitSquare(200, 200)
> V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
> reduced_V = FunctionSpace(reduced_mesh, "CG", 1)
> u = Function(V)
> ...
> reduced_u = interpolate(u, reduced_V)
> f << reduced_u
> However, the problem is that the automatic partitioning of the meshes
> constructs two different non-overlapping meshes on each local node. I
> really don't want to allow extrapolation in this case. I would be
> happy to contribute fixing this problem; does anybody see how to
> attack it?

We just need to have the program handle correctly the case in which a
point is not found in the domain. It shouldn't be hard to fix (it may be
just a case of removing an error message ans stressing in the code
comment that points must reside on the same process).

Start by looking in the Function::interpolate functions.


> Ola

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