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We announce the release, as libre/free software, of revision 5.1.10 of the
SCOTCH and PT-SCOTCH software package and library for sequential and
parallel graph partitioning, sequential mesh/hypergraph partitioning and
static mapping, and sequential and parallel sparse matrix block ordering.
Important features
- Scotch and PT-Scotch are now fully 64-bit. PT-Scotch 5.1.10 has been able
to bipartition a graph of more than 2.4 billion vertices, distributed
across 2048 processors, on machine platine of French CCRT computer center.
Weak scalability experiments were carried out up to 8192 processors on
machine hera at LLNL.
- PT-Scotch now has improved load balance capabilities, which allow it to
enforce almost exact load balance across domains whenever requested.
- New command-line and library options allow users to tailor easily their
strategies according to their needs: quality, speed, scalability, load
balance, etc.
Parallel static mapping will be available in the next release, as well as
parallel direct k-way graph partitioning.
What is SCOTCH
SCOTCH is a project carried out within the Bacchus team of INRIA Bordeaux
Sud-Ouest and at the Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique
(LaBRI) of the Universite de Bordeaux. Its goal is to apply graph theory,
with a ``divide and conquer'' approach, to scientific computing problems
such as graph partitioning, static mapping, and sparse matrix ordering.
How to get SCOTCH
Scotch can be freely downloaded, under the terms of the CeCILL-C license.
To ease the development, diffusion, and circulation of information regarding
the SCOTCH project, most of its resources are now hosted on the InriaGforge
platform provided by INRIA. Please refer to the SCOTCH web page at :
for more information. People interested in the SCOTCH project are welcome to
subscribe to the "scotch-announces" mailing list at :
Scotch-announces mailing list
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