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Re: libboost_thread, mac os x and cmake


Den 11.11.10 10.34, skrev Johannes Ring:
On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 5:41 PM, Andre Massing<massing@xxxxxxxxx>  wrote:

I just run into the problem that libboost_thread stemming from macports
(uses boost 1.44 atm)
was not found by cmake build system. The crucial line in CMakeLists.txt is
on line 157
find_package(Boost 1.36 COMPONENTS filesystem program_options system thread
changing it into
find_package(Boost 1.36 COMPONENTS filesystem program_options system
thread-mt REQUIRED)

resolved the issue, but I have no clue how to generally deal with that on
other platforms where this lib does
not have the -mt ending.
Did you try to set -DBoost_USE_MULTITHREADED:BOOL=ON when configuring
DOLFIN? Or is it just the Boost thread library that has the -mt ending
and not the other Boost libraries?

Yes, that did the trick! Thanks for pointing out! Some of the libs appear also with no mt ending, but they exist always
also with the mt ending.


