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Re: assembly of whole domain if domain marker = 0 is used


On Monday November 22 2010 07:36:25 Andre Massing wrote:
> Hi!
> I am not entirely sure, whether there was a similar discussion about that,
>   but I just recognized that using a ufl file like
> element = FiniteElement("Lagrange","tetrahedron", 1)
> w = Coefficient(element)
> M = w*w*dx(0)
> and a meshfunction with 0, 1, 2 values
> results into the assembly of a function on *entire* domain and not only
> cells that a marked with 0.
> Can anybody confirm this behaviour?


Just confirmed that I got the expected behaviour. Are you sure you passed the 
MeshFunction through the cell_domains argument?

We discussed various ways of implementing the behaviour you report but we 
ended up not doing anything ;)


Follow ups
