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Re: [Question #140910]: Mixed problem, no solution


Please provide the version of DOLFIN you are using and the output of what 
DOLFIN tells you when you actually run the code. If you also provide a minimal 
runnable code snippet that would also be very useful!


On Monday January 10 2011 10:00:04 B. Emek Abali wrote:
> New question #140910 on DOLFIN:
> https://answers.launchpad.net/dolfin/+question/140910
> setting a mixed space (velocity field v, pressure field p) as
> V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)
> Q = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', 0)
> ME = MixedFunctionSpace([V,Q])
> and by describing
> null = Constant(0.0)
> class TopDrag(Expression):
> 	def eval(self, vec, x):
> 		vec[0] = 10.0
> 		vec[1] = 0.0
> 		vec[2] = 0.0
> 	def dim(self):
> 		return 3
> vOnTop = TopDrag()
> wanted to reach:
> a given velocity on a subdomain (not here but defined in a proper way with
> compile_subdomains() ) DirichletBC(ME.sub(0), vOnTop, top)
> zero velocity in one direction
> DirichletBC(ME.sub(0).sub(1), null, front)
> and a given pressure on a subdomain
> DirichletBC(ME.sub(1), pIn, left)
> which I couldn't :)
> Any sharp eyes where I am not thinking as FEniCS wants?

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