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Re: Using SLEPcEigenSolver with shift-invert


On 03/23/2011 04:44 PM, Neilen Marais wrote:

I'm trying to solve the eigen values of a PEC cavity using the vector
wave eqn form of Maxwell's equations. I seem to have the problem set
up right using Nedelec elements, but I can't quite get the
shift-invert working for me. The spectrum of this particular problem
has a bunch of (unphysical) numerically zero eigenvalues that have to
be discarded. I found previously that using the Arnoldi method with
shift-invert and a pretty small shift gets rid of those modes quite


I'm not quite sure if I fully understand what your exact question is, but using shift-and-invert with a given shift should give you the eigenvalues closest to that shift. The zero eigenvalues seem to be closer to your given shift than the others eigenvalues, so the fact that you are getting those is perhaps not so strange?


I did confirm that the correct eigenvalues (as compared to an
analytical solution) are calculated if you manually discard the
numerically close to zero eigenvalues. I also managed to jimmy the
dolfin LU solver so that I could use the ARPACK wrapper from scipy.
Using ARPACK and shift-invert I indeed get the answers I expect.

In the code below I sort the ARPACK result, since it doesn't always
provide the eigenvalues in the correct order. Also note the commented

#lu = dol.LUSolver(S - sigma*M)

Using it in that form results in dolfin crashing!

Running the code below results in the following output:

Eigenvalue solver (arnoldi) converged in 1 iterations.
[0.030560806979768547, 0.039273074500013903, 0.046222796597261383,
[-2.7842311789427754e-15, -2.7842311789427754e-15,
-2.1423834928313568e-15, -2.1423834928313568e-15]
[0.030560806979769109, 0.039273074500013806, 0.046222796597261161,

The first set of eigenvalues are the ARPACK results. The next are the
unfiltered SLEPc results, and the last the filtered SLEPc results.


Code as below:

import dolfin as dol
from dolfin import dot, curl, inner, dx
from scipy.sparse.linalg.eigen.arpack import speigs

# Test for PETSc and SLEPc
if not dol.has_la_backend("PETSc"):
     print "DOLFIN has not been configured with PETSc. Exiting."

if not dol.has_slepc():
     print "DOLFIN has not been configured with SLEPc. Exiting."

class CavityDims(object): pass
cdims = CavityDims()
cdims.a, cdims.b, cdims.c = 29,23,19

# Define mesh, function space
mesh = dol.UnitCube(1,1,1)
mesh.coordinates()[:] *= [cdims.a,cdims.b,cdims.c]
V = dol.FunctionSpace(mesh, "Nedelec 1st kind H(curl)", 4)

# Define basis and bilinear form
u = dol.TrialFunction(V)
v = dol.TestFunction(V)
m = inner(v, u)*dx                      # Mass form
s = dot(curl(v), curl(u))*dx            # Stiffness form

# Assemble smass form
M = dol.PETScMatrix()
S = dol.PETScMatrix()
dol.assemble(m, tensor=M, mesh=mesh)
dol.assemble(s, tensor=S, mesh=mesh)

sigma = 0.01
smat = S - sigma*M
#lu = dol.LUSolver(S - sigma*M)
lu = dol.LUSolver(smat)
lu.parameters["reuse_factorization"] = True
lu.parameters["report"] = False
bb = dol.Vector(M.size(0))
xx = dol.Vector(M.size(0))
def sigma_solve(b):
     bb[:] = b
     lu.solve(xx, bb)
     return xx[:]
M_matvec = lambda x: M*x

arpack_eigs,v = speigs.ARPACK_gen_eigs(M_matvec, sigma_solve,
M.size(0), sigma, 51, ncv=91)

# Create eigensolver
esolver = dol.SLEPcEigenSolver(S,M)
esolver.parameters["spectrum"] = "smallest real"
esolver.parameters["solver"] = "arnoldi"
esolver.parameters["spectral_shift"] = sigma
esolver.parameters["spectral_transform"] = "shift-and-invert"

eigs = [esolver.get_eigenvalue(i)[0] for i in range(4)]
filtered_eigs = []
for i in range(S.size(0)):
     ev_r, ev_i = esolver.get_eigenvalue(i)
     if ev_r>  0.001:

print sorted(arpack_eigs)[0:4]
print eigs[0:4]
print filtered_eigs[0:4]

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