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Re: [Question #153459]: krylov solver parameters


On Tuesday April 19 2011 09:45:58 Chaffra wrote:
> Question #153459 on DOLFIN changed:
> https://answers.launchpad.net/dolfin/+question/153459
> Chaffra gave more information on the question:
> The newton_solver is no longer accessible from VariationalProblem. I used
> to be able to set the linear_solver parameters via
> problem.newton_solver().linear_solver().parameters ... Is there a new way
> of doing this?

I think Garth is the man to answer this, but I recall he removed that options 
because it became difficult to maintain as the linear solver can be of many 
different types.

The solution, I think, is to create the linear solver before you create the 
NewtonSolver, grab the parameters, create the NewtonSolver, change whatever 
parameters to the LinearSolver you need through the grabed paraemters.


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